Chapter 58

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That following morning- we quite literally hit the ground running.

Midoriya and I had been sent into the woods- Aizawa instructing that we learn to have better balance whilst bounding off of trees and mountainsides. The goal was to catch one another, snag them by the ankle or the back of the neck and throw them on the ground.

It didn't stop there- as soon as one was caught we were forced to spar without stopping until one of us got hit so hard that they hit the ground. Then, it was back to sprinting.

My body was on fire- beyond being overheated and drenched in sweat. I was freezing now, the sweat feeling less like a reward from hard work but rather like somebody had just dumped a bucket of cold water over my head.

My body had begun to tremble- never having faced this many beat downs from Midoriya before. He was catching up to me physically and quite honestly, I'd say he and I were about the same strength now. While five percent was still a lot on his body and exhausted him quickly, he had still managed to use it to quite literally beat the living hell out of me.

Whilst Izuku was more focused on catching me and sparring; I was more focused on giving him a run for his money during our chase. Izuku was strong, and he could handle a lot power-wise. While I already possessed my strength, I wanted more speed.

After all, Gran Torino's moves had grown to be one of my favorites.

As the heat began to melt away with the day and the sun began to set, I was practically begging Izuku to come down from his high and give us a moment to breathe. He was an absolute hellhound today, something within him must've snapped recently that turned him into a demon running purely on fumes.

"Just one more Asami. Please," he was circling me while I layed on the ground, staring up at the sky as I repeatedly clenched and unclenched my fists.

"Everyone else stopped thirty minutes ago," I griped, rolling onto my hands as I pushed myself to stand up.

He came up behind me, pulling away the collar of my gym uniform as he began kissing along my neck. I was like putty in his hands, leaning my head to the side as I gave him more room to work with. He trailed his hands around to my hips, sharply pulling me against him as he forced my lower half atop his.

"I love you," he muttered between pecks.

"I love you too," I sighed, a whiney sort of tone as I leaned my head back against his shoulder. "You need to... stop. Before Aizawa..."

"How can I stop when you're breathing like that?" He only got rougher, digging his fingernails into my skin and his breathing growing heavier as he partially undid my zipper and latched onto my shoulder. "Pretty girl," he murmured against my skin, dragging his lips along the nape of my neck.

I smirked, turning around to kiss his neck before quickly bringing my foot up and planting it into his chest; sending him flying onto the ground before me. He layed back, out of breath as he eyed the way I walked over to him and straddled his stomach. "Done yet?" I asked, wrapping his shirt in my hands as I leaned down and kissed along his jaw.

He whined, his breath softly catching as he threw his head back and tightly wrapped his hands around the back of my thighs. "This could... this could be another type of workout," he whispered.

"In the woods?" I chuckled, lightly pulling at the skin on his neck with my teeth. "Somebody wants me bad."

He hummed, attacking his fingers under my shirt and dragging his hands along my sides before flipping so that I was under him. "I can't even try to deny it," He mumbled, smashing his lips into mine.

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