Chapter 12

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That night, Izukus' mom had cooked us a celebratory dinner in order for us to have some "last hoo-rah" before we became UA students.

Or so she thought.

For some reason, she was trying excessively hard to prove she believed we had gotten into UA.

I hadn't spoken to Midoriya since we had woken up after the exam. I was ignoring every advance he had tried to make in order to gain my attention.

I was too angry at him. The sight of him made me want to throw him to the United States.

At one point while we waited for his mother outside of the supermarket, whilst sitting on the bench, he had begun crying and begging for me to talk to him.

Still, I hadn't budged. For now, I'd only talked to Inko since the exam had ended.

Now, sitting at the kitchen table with our celebratory dinner, we had still yet to speak. I poked at the fish Inko had made us, pushing it around the plate. It's not that she was a bad cook or anything, I wasn't trying to upset her but the knots in my stomach refrained me from even considering taking a bite.

Midoriya on the other hand, had held his fish in front of his face and has stared at it in a daze for the last 2 minutes and 37 seconds.

I had counted.

"Izuku? Snap out of it." His mother sounded worried from beside me as we watched him staring with blank eyes and a creepy smile at the dead fish between his chopsticks. "Izuku!"

"Uh-" he gasped, coming to as he looked at the two of us in surprise.

"Why are you smiling at that fish? Should I be worried about you, honey?" She began sweating, staring at him in fear.

"Oh, sorry, no. I just spaced out for a minute." Suddenly, he began snarfing down every bite of food on his plate. Inko squeaked from beside me, her eyes growing even wider as she leaned forward and looked closer at Midoriya.

We silently watched him throw it all down and she eventually slowly began to eat as well, choosing to look down at her plate to avoid staring.

He was hard not to stare at.

"Asami, dear. You haven't touched your food." She glanced over at me, softly placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, sorry. I just don't feel that well," I sighed. "I'm sorry." I grabbed the rice, taking small bites in hopes to settle my stomach.

"Would you like some medicine? I'm sure we have something light for you to take? I can even run you to the doctor as well, I'm sure Izuku would like to tag along to make sure you're okay. You know he's always worried about-" She was smiling to herself, her cheeks blushing as she began talking about Izuku.

"Mom!" Midoriya whined with a mouthful of rice.

"Don't talk to your mom like that," I smacked his hand with my chopsticks.

He looked up at me with wide eyes, his cheeks blushing as he realized what he had done was enough to make me finally speak to him.

"I'm sorry, mom." He sighed, going back to stuffing his stupid face.

"It's okay, honey. As I was saying, it won't hurt my feelings if you don't eat. I can make you something later if you begin feeling better." She smiled, rubbing my back to offer comfort.

"Thank you." My face began burning as I looked away, suddenly aware this was the most motherly thing anyone had ever done for me.

Sure, I had my own mother, but she liked to keep the emotional distance between us wide. She also wasn't home much so I couldn't exactly blame her for the divide.

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