Chapter 49

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Gran Torino gave us three minutes.

Three minutes for one of us to land a hit on him.

Izuku and I were back to back, our lightning seemingly making the area almost blinding as we tried to follow and focus on the man's body as he flew around us. "On your left!" I yelled. Izuku hadn't been fast enough as Gran Torino's foot landed smack dab into his cheek, sending him tumbling into me.

"Sorry, I can't react fast enough!" He yelled over the whirring caused by our opponent's speed, the mess we once cleaned now beginning to litter the floor once again.

"We need an opening!" I yelled as I held my hands over my head, ducking as I evaded another hit.

"Pathetic! If you can't even hold your own against an old man, how will you protect those in need!" Gran Torino whizzed behind us, his cape nipping my ear as I spun around and tried to keep up with him. Izuku yelled for me to duck as he swung where my head had once been, only to miss and be hit in the nape of his neck. "Someone praised by the Symbol of Peace should be able to complete this challenge easily!" The two of us continued to get knocked around, leaving no inch of our bodies unscathed as we were beaten.

Izuku was getting thrown around harshly. It was obvious he'd become the main target for our teacher. It made sense, this time needed to be focused on getting Izuku to my level- Gran Torino had been right earlier. I can't keep progressing if he can't keep up with me. We have to be on the same level at all times. Not only emotionally and mentally, but physically as well. Otherwise- the dynamic we've created is close to useless in battle.

"Asami!" I looked up to find Izuku staring at something above my head and my eyes grew. I grunted in ferocity, my body taking over as I spun on my heel and flung my foot through the air like some ballerina. Gran Torino and I made eye contact, him smiling as he caught me by the ankle and threw me onto my back.

"It doesn't matter how strong you are, Asami Okuma. There will always be somebody stronger if you cannot get past a mental block. I can see it in your eyes, something is holding you back." He sprung around the room as he yelled, landing more hits as Izuku and I were thrown around more.

I watched him curiously, beginning to memorize his movement as I gradually began to time when he was coming. And from where.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I yelled as I ducked under his foot swinging for my face.

"I don't either- dig deep kid! Think!"

Think?! Think about what?

I wasn't all strewn up over my mother. I was happy with Izuku and I, and even oddly enough extremely appreciative of the life I'd developed with All Might as a parental figure. I had friends now, including my childhood bully whom I'd grown to forgive after all these years. I'm the happiest I've ever been but...

Did I feel guilty for being so happy?

"Judging by the look on your face, I'd say you've got it figured out!" Gran Torino yelled as he slammed into me again. This time, sending me sprawled out on the ground. I shook him off, my lips curling and my eyes squinting in anger and I threw my fist into the ground, hurtling myself onto my feet. I rolled my sleeves up, throwing myself at the wall as I began a game of cat and mouse with Gran Torino. He evaded my chase and continued hitting Izuku as I struggled to keep up with him.

"It doesn't matter how I feel! I have a job to do!" I yelled, finally grabbing hold of his ankle as the two of us tumbled onto the ground. He laughed, throwing himself back into the race almost immediately.

"A hero isn't defined only by strength. You can never call yourself a hero if you keep throwing your emotions to the side. Embrace them, use them to your advantage!" As Gran Torino flew around us, time stopped as I made eye contact with Izuku. Our opponent never slowed, continuing between the two of us as I held the attention of the person I adored most.

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