Chapter 59

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Once I'd finally woken up- I felt like I hadn't slept a blink. At some point throughout the night, Mina and Uraraka had crawled beside me as they snored loudly into my ears.

"What the hell are you two doing?!" I yelled, glaring at them as they smiled and stretched out beside me, woken up by my harsh shouts.

"Asami! You're so warm! We were sleeping!" Mina cried.

"Now I understand why Deku hangs all over you," Uraraka yawned, rubbing her eyes before laughing.

"You do that again and you're both dead," I groaned, throwing my hands up and rounding my back as I stretched.

"We've done it the past three nights... you're just now noticing?" Mina smiled, wincing beside me as she anticipated me to snap at her. "Oops."

"Yeah... sure. Whatever," I sighed, unwinding into my bed once more before sighing and springing to my feet. "Let's go. I don't want to be late again because you can't find Hagakure," I snapped, the two of them giggling to themselves as they slowly got to their feet.

I stepped outside, now in my gym uniform, yawning as I looked out at the sun coming up over the trees. I saw Kota wandering along the tree-line, beating a twig along the tree trunks as he grumbled to himself.

I popped my back, keeping a careful eye on him. My gaze remained so closed in on him that I hadn't recognized Aizawa standing beside me. "He's been at that for an hour." He grumbled. I jumped, glancing over at him curiously before going back to stretch my legs out by extending down to touch my toes. "You and Midoriya- I know the two of you followed him out into the trees last night."

"Right... should've known I can't slip anything past you." I sighed.

"Hey, Kota didn't come out of his room stomping this morning. Maybe the two trouble children are capable of more than just wreaking havoc when they're supposed to be training," he squatted down, grinning horridly as he ruffled my hair.

"Hey, cut that out!" I whined, shaking him off.

"Still-" Without a moment more. I was hanging in the air by my ankle in front of Mr. Aizawa. I crossed my arms, staring back at him as his eyes glowered back at me. "I can't let two of my students wander off during camp without some sort of punishment."

"C'mon Mr. Aizawa. I haven't recovered from the last time you made me do laps," I whined, falling limp in his grip as my arms dangled in the air. "Do you do this with kids? Because I feel like you're treating me like some snot-nosed brat!" I yelled, swaying up to my ankle as I tried to urge him to release me. "Let me go!"

"Are you saying that's not what you are?" He smirked, swinging me through the air before I slapped into the ground. Without meaning to, my quirk sent the dirt flying up around me, leaving a hole where I had landed. "Okuma, you need to learn to get that under control. Especially before your exam." He instructed.

"Right... sorry," I groaned, rubbing my head as I pushed myself to my feet.

"I thought Midoriya was the only one who couldn't control his quirk but it seems like on the occasion, yours starts working without meaning to. Is that correct?" He asked.

"I think if it thinks I'm going to get hurt it just kind of goes off on its own. It's not exactly a bad thing- I haven't been faced with severe pain since the USJ because of it." He watched me closely, his eyes seemingly always glaring.

"That's great until you accidentally use it against somebody. Say you rescue somebody- if your quirk thinks you're in danger and goes off while you're trying to protect this someone, then they're going to be in the line of fire. The whole point of saving somebody is making sure they're safe in your grasp, not in danger of you accidentally breaking their bones. It's the same as Kaminari, you need to be able to have a grip on your quirk at all times. Instead of working with Midoriya today- you're going to be working with me. I'm fast enough that you won't see me coming at you and you'll constantly be on your toes and in fear of me getting a hit on you. You're getting too used to Midoriya's moves. Besides, I've been itching to face you one on one," he smiled, his eyes glowing and his hair standing straight up as he glared down at me.

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