Chapter 10

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Given the short amount of time we had, Izuku and I had somehow managed to scramble home for our clothes and book bags before we had to be at UA for our orientation and entrance exam. Sadly, we had to show up in our uniform from middle school.

Running to the gates, we made eye contact and made a direct B-line for each other among all the other participants.

"Made it just in time. Here, that'll wake you up," Midoriya glanced at the bags under my eyes and the way I was straining to keep my eyes open. He handed me a coffee and I gladly took it and immediately took a large sip of it.

"Where'd you get this? How did you have time?" I asked as we turned to the school.

"All Might picked it up for you this morning. He found me on my way here and asked me to give it to you. He said you looked really tired this morning and hadn't seen you like that in months." He leaned closer as he began inspecting my eyes. "I'm sorry I brought you to the beach this morning, I should've made sure you had enough rest."

I pushed him away from my face, "I'm okay Izuku. I couldn't sleep anyways. Once I have this coffee I'll be okay." We began walking to the doors and Midoriya struggled to look confident as the look of fear over-rid his face. "Do you feel any different?" I whispered.

He shook his head, gripping the strap to his backpack tighter as he stared at the ground.

"I'm worried. I didn't even get to test it out," he whispered.

"Don't be. I'm sure your body will be able to handle it," I smiled. He tried to agree, but the worry in his face told me he wasn't on the same page.

Suddenly, he slapped his hand over his mouth in disgust. "I may have swallowed the hair, but I don't feel like anything great has happened to me yet." He grumbled into his fingers.

"Stupid Yatsu. Stupid Deku." I turned to see my favorite blonde glaring at us.

"Kacchan!" Izuku exclaimed.

"Get out of my way. Now. Before I set you on fire." He groaned.

"You have such a way with words Bakugo," I sighed.

Midoriya squealed from beside me, still afraid of Bakugo. "Oh hey, g'morning. Um, let's just do our best out there, okay? Good luck!" Izuku began moving awkwardly in fear from beside me and I groaned in embarrassment.

Silently, Bakugo walked past us.

"Is it just me or has he been taking it easier on us since the sludge villain incident?" I turned to find Izuku sighing in contentment at the fact Bakugo didn't burn us alive.

"I agree. I'm not sure why though," he groaned.

"You're not defenseless anymore, Izuku. Quit being afraid of him." I looked back over my shoulder at him again.

"It's a force of habit," he rolled his eyes at me.

Who the hell even taught him to roll his eyes.

We began walking and as I could guess, Midoriya was still shaking in fear and tripped on his laces as he began falling to the ground. I almost thought it would knock some sense into him so I just watched.

Suddenly, he stopped in mid-air. I looked up to find a girl with her hands on him.

Why did I suddenly wish I had All Mights power?

"Heh. Are you okay?" She asked. Suddenly, Midorya began screaming as he ran in the air, he didn't appear to be moving anywhere.

She giggled as she grabbed him and pulled him to his feet before clasping her fingertips together in a diamond shape, allowing him to settle back to the ground.

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