Chapter 8

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The following week, we spent every night at the beach in town developing Midoriyas muscles. Readying his body to receive a quirk.

I wasn't sure why I agreed to help him work out. I guess I wanted to physically see Izuku develop himself.

I'd seen chapter one of this story and I didn't exactly enjoy skipping through books. I wanted to read every chapter of the story unfolding before me.

On the other hand, All Might had said he wanted me to work with Midoriya personally so he could develop muscles like mine.

To be honest, I didn't understand why I had the muscles that I did. I wasn't ripped but I also wasn't a twig like Izuku. They'd come naturally, probably built up from the years spent running to clear my mind.

Or running from Bakugo and his meathead friends.

The sky was dark blue, casting a late-night shadow over the other two I had spent my evening with. All Might and I sat atop a large metal fridge made for a giant as Midoriya was pulling it with a rope tied around him. All Might was hugging his knees and I dangled my feet off the edge. I didn't fear falling off.

It's not like our sled dog was budging anyways. No matter how hard he was pulling.

"Hey, hey, hey!" All Might wrung out.

"It's pretty nice up here Midoriya," I giggled.

"How are you doing down there?" All Might asked.

"I'm loving the view Izuku! But, maybe tomorrow we work on your back muscles," I teased.

Midoriya fell. Hard. Grunting as his face kissed the ground below and the ropes fell from his arms.

"People move these every day, y'know." All Might stated. "And most of them don't even have any super strength."

"Well, yeah, but... There's an extra 600 pounds with you sitting on top of it" Midoriya whined as he turned to face us.

"Nah, I've lost weight, so I'm down to 560 these days." All Might bragged. "In this form, at least."

"Great, much better," Midoriya groaned. "Why do you have me dragging trash across the beach, anyway?"

He laughed, "Take a look at yourself. You're not ready for my power." All Might whipped out a red phone, taking pictures of Midoriya sobbing on the ground from embarrassment.

"But I thought you said that I was worthy!" He whined before screaming into oblivion.

"That's going to be my new lock screen," I laughed.

"Don't give her that picture!" Midoriya whined more before going back to screaming.

"I'm talking about your weak body." All Might and I jumped from the fridge as we began making our way to Izuku.

"My quirk, One For All, is a whole lot to handle. The combined physical abilities of everyone who ever used it creates a hurricane of pure force. An unprepared body can't fully inherit it. Your arms and legs would shoot off if you tried to."

"Seriously?" Midoriya screamed. I stared at him, suddenly afraid that once he inherited the power he was going to break into tiny pieces. "Okay. So this whole trash thing is really some kind of hardcore gym workout. And... you guys are my trainers." He looked back at us, slightly scared.

"You got it. But there's another reason, too. I did a little online research yesterday. Turns out this part of the beach used to be beautiful but it's been a total mess for the last few years." He knocked on the fridge and a large dent took its place.

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