Chapter 1

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His hair was too big for his head.

Too big to see the board over.

I didn't say anything.

He muttered too much.


He broke the lead off his pencil again.

He began muttering faster, almost as if he was spewing a spell under his breath. One that would magically regrow his lead back.

He was digging through his backpack, the quiet hum of each zipper growing in volume as he wrecked through every pocket.

He ran his fingers through his hair, obviously growing increasingly anxious as the teacher's lecture of notes went on without him.

"Shut up, you damn nerd! You're getting on my last nerve with that damn muttering," Bakugo slammed his fist on the table in anger as he quietly growled at the boy. The way he tilted his head almost as if he was challenging him, he knew the boy would never take the bait.


I wanted to hit Bakugo. Just once.

"Okuma," The teacher called. I jumped in my seat, crossing my legs as I turned to him, beating the eraser of my pencil on the desk as I grew anxious from being called out. "Attention, please," He went back to writing on the board as I nodded in a silent apology. I could feel Bakugo and Midoriya staring at me, one full of anger and the other of confusion.

"Quirkless bastards. You're both so goddamn annoying," Bakugo mumbled as he went back to angrily writing his notes. I pondered for a moment how his lead didn't snap from how aggressively he was writing.

He wasn't wrong. Midoriya was the only other quirkless student I had ever met, we were a small portion of the 20% quirkless population.

But he was stupid. I mean really, really stupid. He dreamt of being a hero. Surely, he had to of known a career so reckless and destructive would have a quirk in the application. You'd die without one.

Yet, I couldn't lie. A part of me admired him for it.

A part of me was jealous of his optimism.

Maybe the same could be said for Bakugo. His hatred had to have some fuel.

You can't start a fire without fuel.

I could feel Midoriya's eyes still burning into the side of my skull. My hands grew shaky and my face burned from the sudden awareness that with every move I was making was being watched. Why couldn't he just look away for god's sake?

There was a loud smack, a small chuckle following.

"Quit staring at her Deku. Girls don't like freaks like you," Bakugo seethed. I hadn't turned to see, but I could hear his breath hitch and a heavy sigh as he finally looked away.

Now stealing a glance, Midoriya laid slacked in his chair. His hair hung over his eyes like shades, his shoulders relaxed against the back of his chair as if he was at home on the couch.

He was utterly defeated. His cheeks burned, his hands clung to his journal like a comforting childhood blanket, and his eyes were slacked. Maybe he was trying not to cry? I couldn't understand...

"Um, Midoriya right?" I whispered.

His ears perked like a dog, his eyes widening as he turned to me. Was he afraid?

"Y-yeah. I'm sorry if I-" I cut him off as he began anxiously cracking his knuckles in one hand and rubbing his thumb against his journal with the other.

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