Chapter 55

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I was woken up to All Might poking my cheek repeatedly.

"Asami," he whispered.

"Stop pestering her!" Recovery girl yelled.

"All Might..." Izuku warned quietly.

"I just feel so bad," All Might whined.

My eyes shot open, All Might screaming as he jumped off of me and I watched him carefully. "I ought to have the sense to kill you All Might," I muttered.

"Can you at least wait until you're out of the hospital?" He asked. I sighed as I pushed myself to sit up and lean against the pillows behind me. "I'm sorry kiddo. But hey, you would've been madder if I pulled my punches on you, right?" He ran his fingers through my hair, his other hand scratching his neck as he smiled apologetically.

"You hit Bakugo so hard he threw up," I bit. "Speaking of, where is Bakugo?!"

"He had to be moved to another room because he kept screaming at you to wake up. He then threatened to blow you up because you- and I quote, left him alone with that damn nerd," All Might chuckled. "He has a funny way of showing affection."

"If that's your definition of showing affection then I'm moving out when I get home," I sighed, leaning my head back as I stared up at the ceiling. "So, what's the damage?" I asked quietly.

"Three broken ribs, broken jaw, and extreme exhaustion," she said angrily as she walked over to us, smacking All Might over the back of the head. Izuku crawled into the cot beside me, crossing his legs as he softly rested his hand on top of my forearm. "You go too hard on her! I understand she's strong, but she's still a student! I'm tired of those two being in here when they just finished their first semester!"

As they went on bickering, All Might popped back into his hero form as he tried to deflect every blow Recovery Girl tried to land. I glanced over at Izuku. He smiled warmly, leaning closer to my face as he grabbed my hand and began softly stroking his thumb along the back of it. "Hey pretty girl. How are you feeling?" He whispered.

"I'm sorry I passed out. I should've done more-"

"What are you talking about? Without you- Kacchan and I would've been crawling out of there on our hands and knees." He smiled.

"Next time I'll do better. I should've been able to put up more with All Might... I only managed to get one hit in." I hummed, watching him get battered by Recovery Girl as she ripped his ass up and down. "Did we pass?"

"Of course! Hey, I'm looking forward to camp with you," He flashed me a toothy grin, shifting in excitement.

"Yeah, me too. Tell me I won't be wrapped in bandages," I laughed softly. Coughing as my torso squeezed in pain.

"No. Recovery Girl fixed your jaw but she said it was too much for today. We'll come back in the morning once you've slept and get your ribs done," he leaned forward, swiftly kissing my cheek as he kept his eye on All Might to make sure he didn't see us. "I'm sorry I left you to buy Kacchan and I time for a plan."

"Don't apologize. We can't make it as heroes if you apologize every time we have to split up," I smirked. "Hey, have I ever told you that-"

"WHERE IS SHE?" I glanced over, finding Bakugo wrapped in bandages and practically foaming at the mouth as he held the door open. His eye twitched, settling on me as All Might and Recovery girl flinched at the look on his face, moving out of the way. "You- you damn idiot," he marched over, grabbing me by the neckline of my gown as he held me up to his face.

"Kacchan!" Izuku grabbed at me, trying to pull me back down onto the bed as Bakugo threw him off of me.

"Cut it out Bakugo," I groaned, grabbing at my ribs as he practically growled at me.

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