Chapter 54

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"Team Midoriya, Okuma, and Bakugo."

As the three of us were summoned, Izuku and I shared a solemn look as we turned on our heels and left Recovery Girl and Uraraka to find our battleground.

"Are you nervous?" He asked.

I hummed, glancing him over as I debated on lying to make him feel better. "No. With you by my side, I'm sure we've got it," I smiled.

He smiled back, offering his fist out to me as he waited for me to give him a fist bump. I laughed softly, returning the favor as we turned back into a slowed walk. "Bakugo on the other hand," I sighed.

"Yeah. I know," his gaze fell to the ground, his shoes squeaking on the linoleum floor as he drug them. "Maybe you should just take him up on that offer of working in the background while he keeps All Mights attention," he muttered.

"That'll never work. Unless the three of us can come together, this is just going to be a massacre. All Might sent Nomu flying out of that dome at the USJ, the three of us are like annoying little gnats. Trust me, I live with him. He can't go as long as he used to and he may have gotten weaker but... the three of us at our strongest can't even compete with him at his weakest."

"I think you could," he tried, nudging my shoulder. "I'm serious Asami. You two are cut from the same cloth."

"What?" I stopped, watching him closely. "So are you... right?" I cocked my head at him, my words becoming articulated and careful.

He watched me carefully, obviously taking his time as he thought over his next choice of words. "Right." He smiled. "C'mon, we need to hurry up." He tugged my arm and I tried to watch his body carefully. I needed a sign that he was lying, his ears burning or his fingertips shaking but he remained rigid, unwavering as he led me through the halls.

We caught up to Bakugo as the gates to our exam opened. He took off from us, never waiting for us to catch up to him as he began furiously walking down the street.

I walked beside Izuku, watching him carefully as he glared at Bakugo. His eyebrows were furrowed, his eyes full of concern as he rapped his fingers along his thigh. I almost asked him what was wrong but as he took off running to catch up to Bakugo, I was left angrily stomping and fuming as I watched the two of them.

I didn't want to deal with Bakugo already throwing some bratty little fit, but I also didn't want Izuku to cater to it. But I wasn't stupid, I knew unless one gave in to the other, we were left defenseless.

"Kacchan, listen. For this exam, the teachers the villains and were the heroes so we need a solid plan. Normally I'd suggest that we analyze the villain's combat ability and choose to fight them based on that. But in this case, the villain is All Might! So we don't need to think about it because combat is out of the question- it'd be impossible to beat him in a fight!" As Izuku tried his best to get through to Bakugo, our teammate only quickened his pace as Izuku's face fell. Bakugo remained silent and I couldn't help the low hum in my throat as I was already coming close to snapping at him.

"He's right Bakugo," I seethed.

"It's a really bad idea Kacchan!" Izuku tried once more.

"Stop following me!" He screamed.

"All Might is probably waiting for us on this main road. We should take another route!" I got closer to Izuku, following quickly on his trail and waiting for him to give the signal and take off for the alleys. I personally wasn't worried, the trust and level of comparability between the two of us was well off. Our minds worked the same- we understood each other with something as simple as a flick of the eye. Bakugo on the other hand- had the ability to not only throw himself but the both of us off course.

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