Chapter 44

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Bakugo, Midoriya, and I were lifted from an underground compartment to the stadium, the three of us on display to earn our metals as we were introduced with smoke and fireworks.

None of us had spoken since we were brought to these platforms. All of us either too ashamed or angry to speak to each other. Bakugo seemed to be going through something, the way his eyes had grown enormous as he kept gawking at the ground in front of him. If I had to guess, he never had intentions of telling me he was upset I had been friends with Midoriya so many years later. He probably thought it was embarrassing that he opened up, no longer knowing how to approach me since our relationship had grown to a new level.

Midoriya on the other hand, had resulted in silence. He kept his back to me, sparing me no glances or lingering looks. No accidental brushes or going out of his way to stand beside me. No congratulations, no hello, nothing.

I didn't want to push either of them. I savored my space when I felt out of it so I felt like I owed it to them to give them their space.

"Now, let's break out the hardware! Of course, there's only one person worthy of distributing the awards." Midnight announced as we all turned, finding All Might doing a laugh in greeting from atop the stadium. The crowd went wild, probably as loud as they had been when Midnight declared the champion of the festival.

The two of them spoke over each other as All Might sailed through the sky, landing before the three of us. Midnight immediately apologized as he grew increasingly flustered, I couldn't help but smirk at the way they had both managed to mess up the introductions.

"So, now that you're here All Might, why don't you start the presentation?" Midnight held up the medals, gesturing them towards him.

He laughed, grabbing the bronze as he made his way for Midoriya. Izuku remained stone-faced, leaning forward as he embraced the award lifted around his neck. It was obvious he was upset with All Might in the way he pursed his lips and stiffened when he went to congratulate him. All Might glanced him over once more, sighing before reconstructing his melancholy posture and reaching for the silver medal.

Bakugo was almost the same. Never faltering from his slightly agape mouth and wide-eyes as the medal was slipped around his neck. All Might was simple and quick with his praise, a soft hand to the shoulder and a congratulations Bakugo, you've done well.

Bakugo actually glanced up to him for a moment, even a slight nod of the head in acknowledgment before returning to his blank stare.

As All Might grabbed the first place metal and made his way to me, I watched my classmates who seemed to watch me far more closely than they had done with my counterparts. I shuddered under a few of their glances. Some of them watched me proudly, my class watching as one of their own was given first place. There were others, students from class 1-B or additional courses who watched me with a sense of... apprehension. Like they were wary of my head splitting any second now. Some appeared frightened, but that seemed to be a minimal population of about one or two students. Others- watched me as if I was something they needed to study, something about me they couldn't quite put their fingers on.

"Young Okuma, I am beyond proud of you! Words cannot come close to the sense of pride I have knowing that one of my students stands before me in first place!" He placed a hand on my head, messing up my hair until it looked like I had just rubbed a balloon all over it. I glowered up at him, patting my hair back down as he chuckled loudly. "Really though," He leaned down, getting closer to my face so only we could hear as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "I knew you could do it. Dinner's on me tonight, a treat for you and Young Midoriya!" I stiffened and he took note, glancing between the two of us as Izuku awkwardly shifted on his feet.

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