Chapter 13

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"A letter. Izuku. They came, Izuku! Look!" Inko anxiously clamored on the floor with a thin white slip of paper in her grasp, staring at the both of us wide-eyed. "They're here! Your test results from UA!" She yelled, holding out the letter for Midoriya to examine.

He was frozen, taking a few minutes to comprehend what she had in her hands and the sudden looming question of whether his fierce battle during the exam would be enough to grant him entrance without scoring points on the smaller villains.

Personally, I wasn't sure how many points I had wracked up. I'd known the purple-haired boy had used me to take down the one robot but whether those points went to me or him I wasn't entirely sure. I'd known that the frenzied run to Izuku during the exam had been a slight blur to me. I'd run so fast that I couldn't even tell if I had managed to take out any machines during that time. Let alone take out any other participants.

Looking back, I'm not even sure it was me controlling my body.

Sitting in his room now, the fear of only one of us getting accepted was cascading over me like a dark cloud. His room was dark, the only lighting coming from the top shelf of his desk beside his bed. I leaned against his headboard, my knees pulled up to my chest as I silently waited for his confirmation on his acceptance stance.

I could hear Inko pacing outside the bedroom door. I knew her lip was quivering without even needing to see her.

"Just open it," I sighed, coming out of my ball and placing my feet on the floor, now anxiously sitting on the edge of his bed. "I can't go open mine until you open yours."

"What if-" He went silent as he stared at the letter for a moment longer before clenching his jaw and grabbing for the letter to rip it open.

As he ripped the letter in half, a small metal coin flew onto his desk before us.

Suddenly, a large screen of All Mights face was screaming at us through a holographic tv illuminating from the once useless coin. I grew angered at the sight of him... something within me resenting him.

"Booya! I am here as a projection now!" Izuku and I both jumped, screaming at the sound of his voice booming off the walls.

"Wait, All Might?!" Izuku gasped.

Honestly, I hadn't understood why All Might had appeared. He wasn't the principal nor was he a staff member of UA. Had they simply welcomed a special guest just to make our acceptances that much more real?

"But this is from... UA. Isn't it?" He asked.

"Maybe it's like a special guest?" I asked, placing my hands on the back of his chair as I stood behind him.

"I know it's been a while, but with great power, comes a great amount of paperwork." He coughed before placing a hand on his chest, bowing in an apology. "My apologies, young man and woman. If I'm correct that Young Okuma is with you as well... which I'm sure she is." He peeked up and winked at the screen, flashing a toothy grin. Asshole. "The truth is, I didn't come to this city just to fight villains. You're looking at the newest UA faculty member!"

"You're seriously going to be working at UA?" Izuku gasped, leaning forward in anticipation.

"Just when I thought we would get space from him," I rolled my eyes.

"Huh? Yes, what's the matter?" All Might looked off-screen as a man's hand silently tried to direct him from the bottom right of the screen. "Who's showboating? Oh, sorry. I'll wrap it up but I have to show them something first. Wait. I have to do how many of these things? Right. So, moving on." All Might sighed in defeat as he turned back to the camera. "Even though you passed the written test, you got zero combat points in the practical exam. Sorry."

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