Chapter 62

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Before this chapter begins, I just wanted to say that I listened to In This Shirt by The Irrepressibles (slowed) and I have not been the same. So, if you're looking for a song recommendation, there it is :)))


Nana Shimura stared out at the lake before her, hands on her hips as her chest rose and fell; disappointment written through every poised inch of her body. Her face was hard, full of strong resentment for the boy she had taken in as her own.

She checked her watch, furrowing her eyebrows as she mumbled about how she ought to beat that boy's skull in.

She placed her hands back onto her hips; not turning to greet the blond boy who stumbled from the brush behind her. He tripped, turning to swat at the berry bush that had snagged him by the ankle of his sweatpants. His day was already bad enough... but being attacked by a berry bush? He grumbled, bringing his foot back as he swung at the roots. There was a loud cracking sound when it snapped in half, berries flying through the grass beside him. He huffed, rolling his eyes as he turned to jut his hands into his pockets.

He kept his head lowered, a shameful fact hanging over his head that nobody besides him and the girl knew of. Something he planned on keeping hidden.

He glanced at Nana, sighing as he glanced out at the water she seemed so intent on watching. His mouth fell slightly agape at the tight air, swaying on his feet as he glanced out at the water; waiting for a fish to jump out or a duck to soar by. But there was nothing.

Finally, he softly spoke up. "Master?"

"Kazumi Okuma... is she pregnant?"

He gasped, watching her glare never fade from the water before them. His master was terrifying enough but... her standing before him with her chest puffed out and bearing her famous hero costume... his knees trembled before him. This woman was like his mother after all, how could he have ever thought she wouldn't find out!?

His face burned, his body beginning to tremble as he threw his hands into the air and began to walk towards her. She sighed, closing her eyes as she held a single hand up to stop him from moving any closer. Still, he was determined to spew some sort of lie and keep his unborn child a secret just a little bit longer. "It was a mistake, master. I-"

"Save your lies, I don't wish for my image of you to be ruined more than it already has. Toshinori, do you understand what you've done!? I thought my own battle of having to send my child away would have been enough to scare you into never even looking a woman's way. Have you no respect? Do you understand what kind of life you've just created for this baby? Do you understand the horrid fate you've caused the mother and child!?" She was tearing up now, her lips quivering as she stared down at the now terrified boy beside her. A tear ran down her face and quickly she wiped it away, turning back to the water. She was silent again, a quick sniffle and a small chuckle before she glanced down at the boy in shame. "Do you have anything to say for yourself!?"

"I can protect the baby," He stated. "I'll get stronger. I'll keep her safe, I'll-"

"Toshinori, that woman went behind your back. She was going to get rid of that baby. You had to offer her compensation just to spare that unborn child's death! You should have let her do it," She spat. "You might've saved the baby a slow and painful death."

Nana never meant what she said but... she was so terrified at the fate of this child that all she could think was- how easy it's life would be if it never began to experience it in the first place.

"Don't talk about her like that! Like she's just some nuisance... She already has a name, I'd like for you to use it." He snapped back, growing red in the face with anger as his fists shook at his sides.

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