Chapter 51

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The night had been spent with all four of us staring silently at the ceiling, pretending to be asleep for each other's sake. Izuku and I hadn't muttered a word in hopes of convincing one another that we had fallen asleep, though this was ruined once he finally gave in and found himself sitting on the edge of my bed watching the moon outside the window. We hadn't spoken a word, too afraid we might wake the other two who had been fake sleeping. We shared small glances, brushes of skin that lingered longer than need be. His eyes were tired but curious all the same, too caught up in trying to process earlier events as we watched the sunrise.

Now, we all found ourselves sitting on the edges of our beds as we tried to recollect our senses and share audible good mornings.

"Did you sleep, Okuma?" Todoroki wondered.

I hummed for a moment, stretching as I watched Izuku from across the room. I wasn't sure when, but he had at some point retreated back to his own bed. "No. Did you?"

"I figured. Me neither," He sighed. Glancing him over, I'd found that he was probably the best out of all of us. While he only had his arm wrapped, Iida had both of his arms bound tightly to his chest by a sling. Midoriya had his arm and leg wrapped as well.

I squeezed my hand, finding something below the gauze giving a numbed tugging sensation and I immediately realized I'd gotten stitches. I placed my hand in my lap, going to itch my forehead with my other hand only to find it'd been wrapped up tightly. Still, Izuku watched me carefully as I slipped a finger under the gauze and proceeded to take care of my scratch that'd been driving me nuts.

"Thinking about that fight now... we did something pretty amazing." Izuku retracted his attention from me, turning to glance around the room as he shifted uncomfortably in his bed.

"Yeah, I agree," Todoroki said.

"It kind of feels like a miracle we're even alive," Izuku's eyes fell full of seriousness, causing me to sit straight up and give him my attention. "With my leg messed up, I was an easy target. He probably could've killed me if he really wanted to."

"Yeah, seems to me he let the three of us live on purpose." Todoroki lifted his arm to inspect his wrapping, his eyes dancing across it curiously.

"He said he liked us- as sick and twisted as that sounds." I heard my phone buzz as I spoke, scrambling across my bed as I hastily grabbed it.

I had three missed calls from Bakugo, six from All Might, and one from Uraraka.

I tossed my phone onto my bed, too tired to call any of them back.

"I'm impressed by you, Iida. He was actually trying to murder you, but you stood tall." As Todoroki spoke, I watched Iida perk up from his slouched and depressed state.

"That's not true, but I was-" As Iida was cut off, I turned to find both Gran Torino and Manual standing in the door that they'd swung open.

"Oh. So the injured youngins are awake," Gran Torino made his way towards us, and both Izuku and I jumped, crawling to the edge of our beds to greet him.

"Gran Torino!" We yelled excitedly.

"You idiots. I could yell at you for hours right now," he stormed towards Izuku, causing him to squeak and lean backward as he apologized. He turned to me, pointing his finger at me. "You- All Might is going to have a hay day with you." He shook his finger at me like an adult does with some housebroken puppy and I couldn't help but watch as Todoroki grew surprised at his words, rubbing his chin in thought.

Great. I'm sure he'll have an absolute blast with that piece of information.

"Before that can happen, you've got a visitor." We turned to the doorway, finding a walking dog staring back at us. We all gasped, unsure of what to make of the man before us. Mutation quirks were common in this world but... I'd never seen somebody like this before. "This is Hosu's chief of police. Kenji Tsuragamae."

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