Chapter 52

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I'd been careful to avoid All Might as we met him just a little way down from the school. Though he'd managed to keep his composure as our teacher, I could still feel his glare as I hid in the back behind my classmates. Eventually, this plan was fooled as Todoroki awkwardly called me out for not standing beside him and Midoriya in the front.

Now, I stood behind Izuku and Shoto, awkwardly looking anywhere but at All Might.

"I am here! Hope you're ready to return to our lessons! Today, it's hero basic training! Feels like I haven't seen you in a while. Welcome back! Now then, listen carefully for what's in store. We're going to be conducting a little race, take everything you've learned from your internships and apply it to this rescue training." As All Might spoke, I could hear my earpiece ringing as I watched Izuku mess with its other half. Though we both planned on using these minimally, he insisted we try them out during training today.

I wasn't sure how he had managed to have them made so quickly, he simply stated that he sent some sort of message in while we were in the hospital and they were ready this morning along with our suits that needed repairing.

Though I was worried suspicions might arise from either the support course or from our classmates, they had been hidden relatively well. Unless you were specifically looking for them- you'd never find them.

"If this is hero training, then shouldn't we be at the USJ instead?" As Iida raised his hand, I nudged Izuku who'd been staring at All Might like we had never met him before. His jaw dropped and his eyes wide open- as if he didn't spend most of his time inspecting every inch of his house while I was left to simply sit and watch him fanboy over every speck of dust like it hadn't been there the last time he checked.

He glanced at me, his smile still broad and his cheeks red and I didn't have the heart to tell him that he looked like some middle school fanboy. I shook him off, flicking his ear as I silently asked him to stop messing with the devices. He smiled, playfully nudging me back as he turned his attention back to All Might as if nothing ever happened, earning a small chuckle from the both of us.

"That facility specializes in disasters. As I said earlier, this is a race. So prepare, you're about to step into field gamma! Insides an area full of factories that form an intricate maze. So good luck finding your way around, you'll be competing in groups of five. Each person starts from a different location in the outskirts of the model city. I'll send a distress signal and you do what you must to rescue me. Whoever finds me first- wins! But try to keep the property damage to a bare minimum, please." His fingers pointed from me to Bakugo and we both gave some snide remark. "Alright! First group, get to your places."

I found myself in a later group, standing among the leftover students as I watched Izuku and Iida stretching on the screen before us. Kirishima turned to Kaminari and I, including us on the bets everyone had been making on who would win. "Who's your pick?" He asked. "I'm betting on Sero."

"Oh yeah? I got odds on Ojiro," Kaminari entertained excitedly.

"Okuma?" Kaminari nudged me.

"Do you really need to ask?" I smiled.

"Yeah, point taken." He sighed. "By the way, are you guys like a thing? Because if not this, this weekend I'd totally like to hang out sometime!" He smiled.

"Thanks for the offer but I-" Bakugo grabbed my shoulder, shoving me out of the way as he looked at Kaminari in irritation.

"Can't you just focus on the damn race you dunce?" He groaned, turning back around as the two of us watching the tv before us.

"You should really stop calling people names," I huffed. "It's rude."

"Yeah? Well, you should stop being so damn hard to look at." He grumbled, mimicking me as he crossed his arms.

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