Chapter 65

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I didn't stay for the meet and greet. I didn't wait to find Inko or Bakugo.

Todoroki and I took off sprinting, bounding through the crowd of people as the two of us screamed at each other to move faster. We broke into the street, the two of us barreling down the empty roads as we made a break for the Shimura Memorial Hospital.

"The kids- The kids, Shoto!" I screamed out, watching him using his ice to keep up beside me. I hadn't moved this fast since I was a teenager.

"Bakugo has them!" He yelled out, shooting another mountain of ice as he took off bounding up it, launching into the air above me as he excitedly laughed. "Oh god, Asami. I haven't felt like this since we were kids!" He cheered.

"Listen- it's room number 47, come find us!" I took off as fast as I could- leaving Shoto in the dust as he yelled for me to wait up.

I couldn't help it, my heart was pounding through my chest and my body was sputtering with blue lightning. I was fucking laughing, screaming in excitement, and bounding off the buildings before I landed in the parking lot. I turned my quirk off, rushing past the doors and the front desk as I listened to the healthcare workers scream excitedly that their favorite husband and wife were going to reunite once again as they cheered for me to run faster.

It's been a year- it's been a whole year without him.

I was bounding through the hallways, muttering apologies and stuttering over my words as I pushed past every nurse and doctor. I was barreling down, my lightning flashing off my body as I had to dig my heels into the ground and skid to a stop before I flew past his room.


Room 47.

I threw the door open, finding a head of green hair staring out the window as he held onto an IV stand, depending on it to hold him up. He was smiling, though sickly thin. His gown hung loosely off his body. His scarred and sickly body...


He turned around, almost falling over as he stared at me weakly. His eyes were sunken in... a faded color of green. His hands were thin and bony, all of his dehydrated veins seeping out of his skin. "Asami..."

I began sobbing, my lip quivering as my throat grew a lump so significant that I couldn't even speak. "I... you- you were- Izuku, I-"

"Please come here," He cried, reaching his hands out as he tried to move on his weakened and muscle-free legs.

I started out walking, beginning to sprint before colliding into the body that I'd longed for... for a year straight. This was all I dreamed of. All I wanted.

Finally. I had it.

"Izuku Midoriya, I hate you! Do you hear me? I fucking hate-"

"I love you too, Asami. I'm so sorry, baby." His fingers were digging so tightly into my skin that it almost hurt, but it was a good hurt. He was sobbing, his face embedded into my neck as he clung to me for dear life.

I was silent; whimpering as I dug my face into his shoulder and thanked the gods that I finally had him back. All this time...

"The kids, Asami. Where are the kids?!" He whispered.

"They're with Bakugo, they're coming. Izuku, you wouldn't believe how much they've grown. Dear god... Katsuki is a copy of you," I laughed, wiping my tears on his shoulder.

"You're in your hero suit... were you on patrol?" He asked.

"No... I- I've been avoiding the media since the accident. Today was my first day out. The people... They've been waiting for you," I whispered.

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