Chapter 46

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The following morning I'd found myself woken up, sprawled across the floor. Looking to my left, Izuku was sprawled out as well, his hair an absolute mess and drool rolling down his cheek. Our legs were tangled, indecipherable on who was who. Our hands had intertwined loosely and at some point, he had developed a grip on my shirt in his sleep.

He looked so peaceful, almost giving me the ability to imagine we were still just some young middle school kids back in that damn classroom. No scars, no enemies, no tightly wrapped injuries, no battles to face... just, kids.

He began stirring, rubbing the drool from his cheeks as his eyes reminded closed. He groaned, stretching before rolling over to find me and crawling on top of me. He was heavy, pushing the air from my body with his dead weight.

The fire had somehow kept going through the night. Though poorer and dim, it continued to offer a pleasant popping sound to awaken to.

Izuku was twitching, tickling his hair across my chin and my cheeks as he practically tried to dig into my body, unable to get close enough.

"I can't breathe," I whined, shifting uneasily under him. He groaned, shaking his head no before squeezing me tighter. "Izuku."

"Just five more minutes, please. You're so warm." His morning voice sent chills down my spine as my face began burning up. He dug his face into my neck, breathing in the satisfaction that he'd grown even closer.

"You're lucky I like you," I laughed softly.

"I like the sound of that. Say it again please," he cooed, affectionately brushing his face upon my neck.

"I like you."

"I could hear that for the rest of my life." Both of us twitched, taking a moment to understand what exactly he had just said before we lurched away from each other. We were both in our bottoms, leaned back on our hands as we stared at each other from across the room, both far too flustered to say anything.

"The rest of your..." I stammered, aching to throw up from how overheated I had become from embarrassment.

"Stop it! I didn't say that!" He shrieked.

"Yes, you did!" I yelled back.

"Well, obviously I would like to- I just didn't-" He wrapped his arms around his head, shying away from me. "Asami!" He whined my name, begging me to stop.

"Why are you whining like I'm the one who said that!"

Suddenly the door was slid open, revealing an extremely tired All Might holding a yellow box.

"Doughnuts," He sighed, settling the box onto the coffee table and retrieving three drinks as well. "Coffee."

"You look like shit All Might," I laughed.

"I spent the entire night at UA working. They're wearing us, teachers, to the bone with your internships," he sighed, falling onto the couch as he laid his head back and groaned, forcing himself to stay awake. "Midoriya, you kept an eye on her last night?"

"Of course," He smiled, his face burning as he pursed his lips and forced himself to hold back his laugh, sparing a glance at me. All Mights head had been thrown back, preventing him from seeing the two of us holding back a laugh as we thought about last night.

"I can take care of myself," I smiled, sprawling back out onto the floor.

"You can take care of yourself better than Midoriya can," he grinned, chuckling as Izuku whined in retaliation. "Though... you two seemingly work better together."

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