Chapter 5

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Midoriya and I walked in silence. He was flipping through the pages of his damaged journal as if he were looking for a sign. A sign that someone other than the girl he had just befriended believed in him as much as she did.

I heard a sniffle and watched as he raised his hand to his face to hide from me, I decided I'd rather not call him out and just remain silent.

Obviously, he was dealing with something that I couldn't understand.

I didn't look up to All Might as much as he did so I understood why he was affected so much by his words. To have your all-time hero, the purpose of your dreams. To have him tell you that you couldn't accomplish the one thing you wanted?

I couldn't imagine. I could only try to understand how it was tearing him apart.

There was a loud booming sensation. Stronger than the last and shaking the ground below us.

"That's strange. The fights still going on?" His voice was nasally, definitely having teared up a bit. I shrugged and as I received no further response, I turned to look at him. He was staring off, his eyes squinted in a way that made him look tired.

"Izuku, will it help you get out of that head of yours if we go check that fight out?" I looked at him and he slowly nodded, keeping his eyes on the fight.

We made our way. Midoriya clutching his journal tightly as we grew closer to the rear of the crowd. We looked through the cracks of people, searching for a window to the fight.

It was the sludge villain from earlier, had we knocked him out of All Mights grasp?

"Izuku, is that who I think it is?" I pointed in the villain's direction as he turned to look at me, mortified.

"It's the villain from earlier," he looked at me as if I was going to have a plan for him.

"That means... it's my fault," I thought he was going to start crying again as his voice wavered.

"Izuku, we gotta do something," I nudged his arm with my elbow as I hurriedly looked back and forth between him and the fight.

A pair of adults beside us began speaking about the fact that there were very few pro hero's present. That the ones who were here- weren't doing much.

"Plus the villain captured a kid." The guy reasoned.

"Izuku, he's got a kid," My lip began to tremble as I finally processed the fact that we had caused this. Somebody's blood could be on my hands. Midoriya's hand was over his mouth, his eyes as wide as saucers as he stared at the event before us.

The civilians before us began questioning the whereabouts of All Might. My blood ran cold as they began to angrily wonder why he wasn't arriving on the scene.

Both of Midoriya's hands covered his mouth. Whimpers escaping his mouth as he looked down, utterly broken.

What were we going to do? What could we do?

We couldn't just stand here idly by as somebody died at the hands of our recklessness. Should I run for it? Could I even beat him? Would he kill me too?

I knew how afraid that kid had to be. He must've been as afraid as I was. I'd only spent what I assume was seconds in his grasp and I thought I was going to die...

He was going to-

My legs were moving.

I was screaming at them to stop but they only went faster. I was shoving every adult and every child before me as I was making a break for the crime scene.

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