Chapter 45

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Hey everyone!!🤍 I wanted to pop in a little and first of all, thank everyone for the support. Your kind words and hilarious comments have literally been the highlight of writing this story, I love and owe you all so much.

I also tricked everyone a little with Asami and Bakugo's relationship so I thought I'd try and clear it up a little bit LMFAO. The best way I can describe his feelings towards her is that he is extremely protective as so far, she's been the only person he's REALLY wanted around and as a friend. So when he saw her becoming friends with Izuku and even going as far as to like him, he felt betrayed and like he wasn't good enough.

Bakugo has never liked Asami more than a friend, I specifically worded the last chapter that way because I wanted everyone to think he liked her for a second. Bakugo just sees her as his best friend (though he will never admit it) and is probably lowkey a YatsuDeku shipper.

-Spoiler for this chapter- That being said, I decided to do this little author note before the chapter began as a little warning that about 1/2-3/4 of the way through the chapter there is a little bit of some lemon and a warning that I've NEVER tried to write like that in my life so it's probably not that good y'all I'm so sorry.

Edit: I was sixteen when I wrote this and it made me extremely uncomfortable. For future viewers- no, they do not get caught. Most likely there won't be anything like this again in this book simply because I'm a lot older now and did not feel comfortable with this at all.

Anyways, thank you all sm and I hope you guys continue to enjoy the story!!🤍


All Might paid for a cab to the gate to his home but as I stood there, I couldn't for the life of me even remember the drive here. I couldn't bring myself to ring the buzzer beside the wrought iron gates, I was too exhausted. No, not exhausted...

I didn't even know how I felt. No matter how hard I tried to think, no string of words could even come close to how worn and meaningless I had felt.

It'd begun raining at some point, making my body shiver in the night air. The only way I even knew where I was, seemed to be due to the line of street lamps lining the man's driveway.

I heard footsteps and looking up, I found All Might in his small form sprinting down the driveway with an umbrella, looking absolutely bewildered.

"What the hell are you doin' kid!? It's freezing, get over here!" He swung the gate open, ignoring its beeping as he wrapped a towel around me, throwing an arm across my shoulder in some attempts to warm me up as he dragged me along the driveway. "Did you bring your things?"

I couldn't respond, instead, staring up at him with wide eyes. I knew if I said anything, everything I'd pent up would come crashing down. He stared back at me for a moment, his face softening before he spoke, "I'll go get it in a moment. You're going to end up with a cold in the morning." He shook his head at me, ushering me to go faster as we began to approach a set of doors.

They were large, a set of double doors that mimicked an American look rather than the traditional Japanese design that lined the streets of my hometown. He must have noticed this as he caught my eye scanning the house. "I like American culture." He sighed. The remainder of the outside of the resembled the other houses I'd seen in the richer neighborhoods; darkly colored and wooden. There was a light-colored stone that covered accents of the house as well, every window with a personal windowsill of stone. Some windows appeared to be lit with candlelight. This one remarkably large window gave me insight into a living room, one with a fireplace. There appeared to be a pair of glasses and a book sitting on a coffee table. "It's not big but, I live alone. I'm not here often and I travel a lot so I didn't seem much reason to splurge."

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