Chapter 21

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The air was cold, tickling my ear like mother nature's soft kiss.

Izuku sat beside me, taking his time with his ice cream cone as he swung his legs over the ledge like a child.

We were on the beach, sitting on the cliff beside it so we had a clear view of the beach we had cleaned off and the blue water as well. The sound of the waves lapping against themselves and the sound of Izuku's content humming of a song I didn't recognize, was soothing.

Whatever anguish and pain I had felt from this afternoon's events, melted away with the water and Izuku's harmonized lullaby.

"I can't believe All Might slipped you money for ice cream to make up to me." I chuckled to myself as I stole a glance at him before focusing back on the water.

"I normally wouldn't have accepted but he reminded me I had broken our-" He stopped, holding his breath.

"Agreement. You were going to say your agreement." I snapped.

"Yes..." He sighed, his feet slowing to a stop. "I'm sorry."

"Whatever your agreement is, it better be good enough that you have to keep it a secret." I glanced over, finding him staring solemnly at his dripping ice cream. "I won't patronize you to tell me, but I still stand by my own agreement with All Might as well."


"I told him if he didn't tell me how he was able to give me One For All by the end of the school year, I would be dropping out. Letting his quirk waste away in my body." He dropped his cone in surprise, giving it no attention as he suddenly scrambled to throw me on my back and pin me down.

He held my wrists against the ground, holding me down. How I had yet to not yet drop my cone, I wasn't sure.

"What's gotten into you?"

"You're not dropping out." He glared harder, putting more weight onto my wrists.

"Couldn't you have said this without pinning me down?"

"I need you to really pay attention to. You can't drop out."

"Okay, as long as he tells me I won't." I smiled.

He only glared harder, his eye twitching as he squeezed his knees against my waist, trapping me even more beneath him.

"Asami." It came out like a deep growl from his throat as if he was daring me to push him any further.

"Why are you so upset by this? Wouldn't you want to know? Wouldn't you be questioning how you got One For All if he said only one of us could have it?" I tilted my head, tightening my grip on my ice cream cone as it began dripping down my hand.

He relaxed, unlocking his grip on my wrists as he sat back on my waist. "I guess so."

"I'm not doing this just because I can, or because I want to be mean. I just... I need to know. I don't want it from you, I want it from him. I want it straight from All Might."

"Yeah, I understand." He looked so kind and small sitting on my lap as he played with his fingers, deep in thought as he softly muttered to himself, "I dropped my ice cream."

"You can have mine. Not like you haven't been taking licks of it this entire time anyways." I smiled.

"Sorry, thanks." He chuckled, taking the cone from my hand as he rolled off of me, going back over to the edge.

I sat up, questioning how I was going to clean my hand that now had two strands of ice cream running down it.

"Do you have a napkin by chance?" I asked, turning to him. He looked at my hand for a moment, thinking it over.

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