Chapter 19

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As our walk home came to an end, Izuku and I stood alone in front of my apartment complex.

"You're sure you don't want to just go back to your place?" I asked. "Your mother is there and everything."

"She thinks it's weird we never go to your house." He sighed.

"Does she not know I haven't had a parent here in a while?"

"Um, no. Not exactly."

"I don't know if I should thank you for saving me the embarrassment or kill you for lying to your mom and possibly getting us in trouble."

"Thank me later when I order you pizza." He started walking past me, making his way for the front gate.

"Hey, you know I should be the one paying. Your mom practically feeds me every night. It's only right if I-"

"My mom raised me to be a gentleman." He glared at me over his shoulder, silencing me. "The girl shouldn't pay. I know you can, I just don't want you to." he grabbed my blazer, dragging me along with him.

The door creaked open, revealing lights on throughout the apartment.

"That's odd. I never leave them on." I whispered to Izuku.

"Let me go first then." He nodded to me before setting his bag down by the door and silently creeping along the walls.

He pointed towards the master bedroom, signaling that's where he was heading and insinuating I follow along.

We were in a squatting position beside my mother's bed I had been curling up in for the past few weeks and I suddenly became conscious of the fact Izuku was seeing I hadn't made the bed this morning. The bedroom light was off, but the bathroom light was seen shining through the crack between the bottom of the door and the floor, insinuating I really had just forgotten to turn the lights off this morning.

"C'mon. Nobody is here, I just left the lights on this morning." I internally rolled my eyes at myself and ignored Izuku's bickering as I got up and went to the bathroom.

Launching the door open, I was met by my mother standing in a robe with her hair done up in a towel.

She began screaming, ear-piercing screeches.

"Cut it out! For the love of god!" I screamed, slamming my hands over my ears.

"Asami?" Izuku came up behind me and only added to the screaming as he fell to the floor, covering his eyes.

"I'm sorry!" He repeatedly screamed from the floor, rolling back and forth.

"Get up." I kicked him and he stopped, taking his hands off his eyes as he stared up at me. "She's in a robe. I wouldn't tell you to stop if she wasn't decent." I lent my hand out to him, allowing himself to be pulled up to his feet by me.

"Asami, darling. How've you been?" I melted into my mother's warm embrace that reeked of expensive perfume as she pulled me into her.

"Mom, you didn't tell me you were coming home." I laughed.

"I thought I would surprise you. But, I seemed to be the one getting surprised." She smiled, gesturing to Izuku who was still refusing to look at her.

"That's Izuku Midoriya. He's a friend from school." I explained.

"Oh, Izuku! How you've grown!" She immediately pulled him into a hug, pinching his cheeks and cooing at how he still had chubby baby cheeks.

Izuku on the other hand, was screaming and barely hanging on for dear life.

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