Chapter 57

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I wasn't sure if Izuku and I had made getting through the forest into a race- or if we simply found that much excitement in pushing each other.

Everyone trailed behind, chasing after the two of us while we swung around each other and after every monster either of us could see. Eventually, Iida caught up to us and we fell into a synchronized play-by-play of attacks.

Whether they involved Izuku and I swinging one another at the monsters or Iida forcing them to chase him while we hit them from behind; they all proved to be utterly exhausting.

By the time the sun had begun to set, I'd found myself out of breath and dragging my feet alongside Izuku. Neither of us had the energy to speak, let alone chastise one another. Iida was behind us, drawing along his leg that he'd overused far beyond his limit.

At some point I'd lost my tie and my sleeve through the forest. I wasn't exactly mourning my loss, it just would've been another stitch of cloth to cling onto my body from the perspiration.

I could hear heavy sighs and moans of fatigue from my classmates who exited the trees alongside me. Looking at Bakugo- it seemed his hair had lost its usual spikiness and he was biting on his lip while holding his wrist. Mumbling some spell of profanities under his breath.

"You said it would only be like three hours!" Sero cried, falling to the ground in a heap of sweat and soreness. As he spoke, I looked at Izuku and tried to smile. Though as the exhaustion began to really get a taste for my body, I ended up simply staring at him while he just continued to breathe heavily and wipe his lip.

He almost looked... good like this. The way his hair clung to his forehead and his eyes failed to open all the way. I shook my head at him, causing him to sigh and lean against me for support.

"I guess we timed it on how long it would take us. Sorry!" I watched the cats as they teased us, my eyes falling to Aizawa standing beside them. I scowled at our teachers, causing him to chuckle at the sight of me.

"I thought it would take you kids even longer! You did much better against my dirt monsters than I thought you would! You guys were seriously great. Especially... the four of you!" Izuku and I stood up straight- watching the blue cat as she pointed at us. "It seems like you've had quite a bit of experience!" As she went on, Bakugo, Todoroki, Izuku, and I all shared curious looks as she licked her lips. "I call dibs on these kittens! I'll groom them myself!" As she began dancing around us and trying to grab at one of us- we all threw our hands over our faces and yelled for her to stop.

"Mandalay, has she always been like this?" I could barely hear Aizawa over the three boys screaming at the girl to stop as she began chasing me in a circle around them.

"It's gotten worse lately," Mandalay replied. "She's at the age to take a mate."

"Mate?!" I screamed, my feet almost slipping out from under me as she cried in the excitement that she had almost caught me.

"Uh- speaking of people's ages-" I fell to a stop as Izuku spoke, watching the girl as she seized him by the face just as she did earlier. I grumbled as I came up behind Todoroki. Red in the face and out of breath once again.

"Asami, I've never seen you run so fast," As Todoroki spoke, I only grunted in response as I moved to stand beside them.

"Choose your words carefully boy," Cat-girl threatened.

"I've just been wondering since we got here earlier. Who is that kid?! What's he doing here?" Izuku mumbled against her hand.

"Oh, him?!" My eyes flicked to Mandalay, finding a small boy in a red hat standing beside her. "He's actually my cousin's boy. He just lives with us now," she said. "Don't be shy Kota, say hi to everyone! You're going to be around them for the next week." I watched the boy for a moment- studying his solemn and irritated expression.

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