Chapter 30

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Izuku had shoved me under the water, causing Shigaraki to refrain from me entirely.

I swiftly swam to the surface, dividing it as I pulled myself from the water and took off at a dead sprint as I pleaded with my quirk to find the adrenaline it had from earlier.

I listened to Midoriya yelling at the top of his lungs for me and it only terrified me more, putting a blockade between me and One For All that I couldn't seem to knockdown.

Calm down.

It was the woman's voice again, only she seemed so much clearer, much more displeased with me.

Her voice forced me to slow down and think for a moment, allowing something to wrap its entire hand around my face and hurl me backward against the ground. My body bounced against the force and I began to ache as I reconnected with the floor once again, hearing a cracking sound as the hand pushed my face further into the ground. I heard a blood-curdling scream whom I could only assume was Izuku and though my head was pulsating, I seized the wrist of my captor, struggling against them.

It enclosed its fingers tighter around my face, forcing my jaw open and my skin to burn as if they were trying to tear my skin from my face. It lifted my body completely by his single grip before quickly slamming me back down once more.


I couldn't breathe.

Couldn't see.

The only thing I could hear was Aizawa and Midoriya screaming.

I didn't even know what was pressing me down.

We are with you.
Get up.

I grasped its wrists tighter this time as she cheered me on. I screamed as I pushed against them once more, giving myself the ability to pull his hands from my face long enough to allow me to heave for air.

Shigaraki laughed, "Oh, the Symbol of Peace will never recover from this one. Go on Nomu, you have my permission to kill her."

You are not alone.
You will not die today.

My vision went completely black, relaxing my body as I went completely limp. My ears were ringing, but oddly enough it was the most peaceful thing I had experienced all evening. As if in a dream state, I was suddenly standing isolated, only able to see as far as my hand in front of my face.

Abruptly, there were flashing lights. They drew my attention to them as they screamed for my total concentration. There were now seven sets of eyes staring back at me, all as if they were scowling at me; criticizing me for being so vulnerable.

Had I died?
Was this hell?

You will find hell in time.
Now, is the time to pull yourself from the hell that blocks you from possessing One for All.
You're as strong as him.
Your father.
You've got his eyes, the same he had in his youth.

"Finish the job Nomu!"
'Okuma, get up damn it!"
"Asami! Let her go! Please!"

My father?


Get up.

My body burned, some kind of furnace within my core suddenly lit with fire.

My body was screaming, a personified man named adrenaline burning his throat as he pleaded for me to destroy something just one more time, one more.

Without moving, I allowed whatever woman I had been conversing with to have total authority over my body. I egged her on, insinuating I wouldn't resist her. She seemed to laugh in excitement as she raised my hand, pressing the tip of my middle finger against my thumb.

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