Chapter 33

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As the day had gone on, I now found myself laying on Izuku's bed gazing at the ceiling. We had the following day off but due to the extent of the damage Shigaraki had managed to cause to my arm, I was left bandaged and on strict orders of restricted movement.

Thus, I found myself dozing in and out of sleep for the past two hours as Izuku read aloud some stupid book we had been assigned to finish for our English class.

Though at times I had found myself lacking in the math department, I'd made up for it in English. I hadn't concerned myself too much with paying attention to his words, this resulted in Izuku imitating a new accent every twenty-five minutes on the dot.

"Do you think Shigaraki really knows my father?" I asked, using my healthy arm to play a game of catch with the wall with an old tennis ball I had found under his bed.

"Have you been paying attention at all?"

"Some. I listen for a few minutes every time your accent changes."

"You're going to fail this test." He sighed, pulling his knees to his chest as he set the book down. I could hear his swiveling chair begin to creak as he began to spin in circles.

"Have I ever failed a test?"

"There was that spelling bee in the third grade. Remember? You spelled metamorphosis wrong." He chuckled to himself, slamming his feet onto the floor as he stopped his chair in a fit of laughter. "You lost to Kacchan."

"You bring that up again and I'm telling All Might you kissed me." I held the ball in my hand, using my feet to push against the wall and maneuver my body so my head was now hanging off the side of the bed. I was looking at him upside down and he stared back at me, his eyes wide as he pursed his lips. "I'm only kidding. He'd kill you."

He hummed, tilting his head curiously at me before getting up. I stared at the wall across the room as I monitored the sound of his feet creaking across the floorboard until he quietly huffed, crawling into bed beside me as he mimicked my own position. The heels of my feet had been resting on the wall, my ankles overlapping as I had my legs crossed. My fingers were interlocked on top of my chest and I could feel my hair dancing across the floor as I turned to watch him mimic me completely.

He smirked, watching me as he worked to force my legs apart with his own foot and rest his between my own.

"What are you-" He hooked his foot under my ankle and in one swift motion, he rolled us until he was hovering over me. I could feel his hair tickling my forehead and his knee sliding up against my leg as he forced them apart until my legs were bent up on either side of him. He refused to make eye contact with me as I felt his body trembling against my own, his face burning as he opted to look down at our intertwined legs. With one hand softly coddling the side of my face, the other slowly slid up from my shoulder and down to my knee "You're nervous. How come?" I whispered.

He seemed to have calmed himself down, furrowing his eyebrows in determination as he looked up at me. His body dissolved into mine, melting as if the fire lit below him had been too significant. His face followed suit as well, softening as he traced the structure of my face with his eyes as if they were a pen. His finger softly traced down my face, so gently I believe he thought he was going to shatter my skin had he gotten too close.

His mouth was open just enough for me to see him salivating over the sight of me below him. He brought his knee up higher, allowing his hand to do the same as he slithered his hand under my shirt and rested his palm openly against the skin between my ribcages. It was like he was holding me down, basking in this moment as if he'd never receive it again.

He tilted his head a little, his eyes remaining soft but now with a sliver of deviousness as his eyes fell to my mouth, licking his lips as he stared longingly at my own.

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