Chapter 3

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Midoriyas lips were pursed and I could hear his feet stomping and dragging along the concrete as he walked. He must've been angry but didn't have the energy to let it out.

He was quiet and hadn't said a word our entire walk to the courtyard. I was almost grateful for his silence.

"I hope you aren't considering Bakugos offer back there." I sighed as I slowed to a stop beside the makeshift koi pond, peering down at the fish nibbling on his burned journal.

He came up behind me, slowly and sadly reaching for it. "That's enough, give it back." He pulled it from the water and the fish took off in fear. "Damnit." he sighed.

"What a jerk." I sighed, digging the toe of my shoe into the concrete. Midoriya nodded in silence from beside me.

"We can get another one at the store on your way home. How about I walk with you and make sure you get there. Okay?" I offered, leaning down as I stared up at his sad face glued to his ruined notebook.

"It's okay. You don't have to do all that," he sighed.

I hummed for a moment, considering my options. "Midoriya?" I whispered quietly, asking for his attention. He turned to look at me, his sadness was still evident and well alive. He slowly cocked his head in the slightest bit, his way of asking me to go on without using his words. "Let's go. I'm not asking." I sighed.

He nodded quietly. I was grateful he accepted. I didn't exactly like his quietness right now and after what Bakugo said, I wouldn't forgive myself if something really did happen to him.

"You're an All-Might fan?" I asked as we fell side by side, heading back onto the street.

His ears perked up and his eyes brightened up a little bit as he gripped onto his backpack straps, turning to look at me as he tried to hide a smile.

"Tell me, what's your favorite fight of his?" I asked.

Midoriya sighed, going deep into thought before silently coming to an agreement with himself about which one he wanted to talk to me about.

If I had known this was going to entail a thirty-minute description of his favorite fight and then his entire background dating back to his days before UA, I wouldn't have asked.

As we began walking through a tunnel, Midoriya let out his best All Might impression as he imitated his walk as well.

I laughed, listening to it echo off the walls at the sight of his horrible acting skills.

Suddenly, there was a slimy gurgling sound from behind us. We both stopped, turning to look at each other before turning around to find a giant monster looking back at us.

"Midoriya, what's that?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion. He began gasping beside me, grabbing for my arm in a state of panic. Suddenly, the thing grew three times in size.

"A villain?" He asked in horror.

"Midoriya?" Now I was the one anxiously pawing at his arm as I tried to get his attention.

It was towering over us, his green sludgy body dripping on the floor before us and onto our clothes as it looked down over us. His eyes were big and red, almost like a villainous version of Bakugos.

"You'll make a perfect skin suit for me to hide in, kid." Its voice was terrifying. I was suddenly petrified, I wasn't sure who he was talking to.

It unleashed from the ground and growled as Midoriya and I took off screaming down the tunnel in horror. Our feet slapped against the pavement. It echoed off the tunnel and swirled with the sounds of us panting and crying in terror. Suddenly, I felt the looking presence of something towering over me from behind.

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