Chapter 15

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When I woke up, I felt something heavy holding me down onto the living room floor.

I woke up startled, grabbing anxiously at whatever was pressing me down but stopped myself when I realized Izuku had curled up to me in our sleep.

I didn't even remember falling asleep...

His arm was slung across my stomach and grabbing at my side and his face was dug into the crook between my neck and my shoulder. His breath tickled my bare shoulder and I could feel him beginning to drool.

Quietly, I relaxed before I could accidentally wake him up, assuming he could use the extra thirty minutes of rest before we actually had to be up.

As softly as I could, I rolled onto my side, running one of my hands through his hair and nestling my chin into the top of his head.

Ideally, this was nice until he grunted and grabbed me, rolling onto his back and pulling me on top of him, locking his arms around me. Giving me no way out.

"Izuku? Izuku!" My body was burning and I was sweating from the hot flashes once I realized what I had done. Was I just trying to cuddle with him? Why didn't I push him off to begin with?

"What?" He grumbled, shaking his head before he opened his eyes.

"Um.." At the sound of my voice, his eyes shot open.

"ASAMI!" He was screaming as he flew out from under me and jumped over the couch to stand in the kitchen, far away from me.

"YOU- YOU DID IT!" I screamed back.

"DID WHAT? I-IM SORRY I-" He was jumping around, covering his burning face as One For All started to go into overdrive.

"Shut up before your mom hears us!" I whispered harshly.

He went dead silent, standing as still as a mannequin as we listened to see if we had woken her up.

"Were we just.. d-did we? Did I just touch-" His eyes rolled back as he began to nearly pass out.

"You hugged me yesterday and didn't freak out?!" I was talking with my hands, throwing them around the place as I grew more embarrassed.

"That was different, that was-"

"Just go shower before this gets so awkward I can't even look at you during school," I groaned.

He squeaked in embarrassment before turning on his heel and speed walking for the bathroom, leaving me standing in the living room as my entire body burned in my own embarrassment.

Having gotten showered and dressed, I stood by the door as Izuku added a few more things to his backpack. I was playing with the pin on my shoulder straps, spinning it in circles as I anxiously waited for him.

"Izuku. You're all set? Asami?" She asked, looking between the two of us.

"Yeah," we said simultaneously.

"Are ya sure? You didn't just pack action figures, right?" She teased him and I giggled, earning a glare from Izuku. But a smile from his mother.

"I have everything." Izuku snapped. "Now I gotta go. I don't wanna be late." He slung his backpack over his shoulders, standing up and grabbing the doorknob to the front door before telling his mother goodbye.

"Izuku!" His mother gasped.

"What?" He groaned in response.

"I'm really proud of you son." Her eyes watered, overcome with pride at her son's accomplishments.

He smiled, "I'll see you soon."

"Oh, I'm proud of you too," she pinched my cheek and I smiled at her, nodding in gratitude. "Now you take care of him Asami, I know he gets you into trouble."

"Of course. As always I'll keep my eyes on him," I pinched his cheeks and he rolled his eyes, pulling my hands away from his face.

"Cmon," he grabbed the sleeve of my blazer as he dragged me out the door.

As we slowed down to a walking pace along the sidewalks, we kept bumping shoulders.

"Why'd you snap at your mother?" I asked.

"I don't know," he looked across the street at the baby pink ice cream shop.

"She's only trying to be nice," I pinched his forearm and he hissed. "You shouldn't yell at her.

"Why do you care so much?" He snapped.

I was taken back, unable to respond for a few seconds out of shock and I could tell by the way his face softened he immediately regretted it.

"I'm sorry," he sighed. "Just nerves."

We were silent for a few moments.

"I've never met your mom. Why is that?" He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"My mother doesn't even know I got into UA," I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Mm. She hasn't been home in a long time and the last time she was home, she slipped in and out while I was sleeping. Said she's busy working in the states." I kicked a rock. "She hasn't been texting me lately either."

"I'm sorry. I always wondered when I'd get to meet her but I didn't know..."

"You'd have better luck meeting my father before you met her." I laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"Maybe she's just really that busy," he tried. I could tell he didn't know what the right words to say were so I decided to not respond, ending our conversation.

He only looked sorry, sighing before urging me to take up a jog in order to get to school before we were late.

I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt as he said but... she really had been acting weird. Normally these long trips didn't bother me but taking four month-long trips and only coming back one night in between? It didn't make sense. What could she possibly have been doing in the United States?

Not even to mention the fact she hadn't been contacting me. Normally she'd send a neighbor or coworker to check on the apartment and I while she was away on trips and even take the time to text me throughout the day most days but now? I only received a text maybe once a week asking if I was still doing okay.

It was draining and the more weeks that passed, I began to question if she was ever planning on coming home again.

I didn't blame her, I understood she was very work involved and I didn't want to be the one holding her back from working. Still... I worried about her.

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