Chapter 50

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As the train slowed to a stop, Izuku and I shared a glance that I had grown to recognize all too well.

"Everyone please! Remain calm! Return to your seats, the villain is no longer here! More heroes will arrive here I'm sure." A man held the unconscious pro-hero on the ground as he gave directions to the passengers who had become anxious and terrified.

"Keep them calm, we're going after him!" Izuku grabbed me by the neck of my costume, dropping from the train as I was forced to keep up with him.

"Hey, are you nuts? It's way too dangerous out there!" The man yelled after as furiously as Izuku and I threw ourselves into a sprint, hurtling down the train tracks at full speed.

"Hey! You wanna tell me what the hell your plan is?!" I screamed over the commotion from the city, forced to raise my voice above the cries and wails of the civilians.

"Light up!" He directed me. In an instant, the two of us were surrounded by our lightning as we flung ourselves from the tracks, sailing through the sky. Landing onto a rooftop, we were forced to somersault to avoid any injuries.

We came to a stop, looking out at the city as we tried to come up with our next move.

"That plan I asked for? Yeah, I'm still waiting on it," I griped.

"You know those moves we learned to do together earlier? That's all I've got," he glanced at me.

"You've gotta be kidding me," I muttered, my eyes cascading across the streets below us.

"Sorry," he smiled at me, reaching over to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear as he cocked his head, leaning closer to my face as I groaned at the fact he could still be so loving at a time like this. "You trust me, sweetheart?" He asked.

"Of course I do you bastard," I smirked.

"Good. Because we're gonna need it. Let's go." We leapt from the building, taking off in a dash down the sidewalks towards what we could only assume, could be where Gran Torino had landed. People raced against us, shrieking in terror as they flew in the opposite direction of us.

"Asami, if that's Nomu back there, then we're in big trouble." He glanced at me, his pace never wavering. "All Might isn't going to be able to save us."

"You think I don't know that? Look, if you're the brains and I'm the brawn- I'm gonna need you to use that pretty little head of yours and think of a damn idea before anyone gets killed!" He nodded at me in determination, smiling as my words sent his mind into second gear.

"TENYA! WHERE ARE YOU TENYA?!" We both stopped, Izuku slamming his hand across my chest in an effort to stop my momentum before we both turned down an alleyway after the voice. After coming out of the darkness, I turned to find a semi-truck hurtling through the skies straight for us.

"Move!" I slammed into Izuku, throwing him to the ground as I put my body between him and the explosion as the Semi slammed into a car just a few feet away from us. It lit up in flames, warming my back as Izuku stared up at me fearfully, his eyes wide.

"You okay?" He got up and seized my bicep, pulling me to stand beside him as he brushed my shoulder off.

"Fine." I sighed. "Looks like your plan did something. Look, it's Nomu!" The both of us were screaming over the ruckus, my eardrums ringing with how loud everything had gotten.

Those communication devices he wanted sounded perfect right about now.

As a hero was hurled through the air and onto the ground beside us, I was met by the sight of villains staring back at me. The original Nomu we had seen at the USJ, now staring back at me with its size more than doubled since I'd seen him last. In the sky, there seemed to be another one similar to him. Its brain bulging out of its skull- but this one was a bit smaller. Now, supplemented with wings. As if he wasn't already bad enough.

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