Chapter 23

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We all remained silent, staring at each other as we all realized who we were really up against. This almost felt exactly like fate, as if I just had to fall into a position of being physically pinned against Izuku to get over what I'd been feeling. To get over exactly what had been going on between us.

Uraraka's mouth hung open as she looked between my partner and me. I couldn't blame her either, I'm sure we looked terrifying right now. I knew he had to be practically drooling over a chance to obliterate Izuku and I couldn't hide my emotions either. I was rather excited, a given chance to throw One For All against Izuku and Uraraka.

As much as I hated to admit it because I had grown to like her, something in me was excited to go against her.

"Team A will be the heroes, Team D will be the villains. Everyone else can head to the monitoring room to watch!"

Bakugo and I stayed silent, remaining side by side as everyone began to filter out around us, leaving the two teams behind. We both turned at the same time, giving Izuku the same glare as he looked up at us sheepishly. Midoriya tried to amp up his own confidence, settling his nerves and clenching his fists as he shot a determined glare back.

Bakugo practically growled at him.

"Bad guys, you can go on in and get set up. In five minutes, the good guys will be let loose and the battles will start!" Bakugo and I had yet to even exchange words, let alone plans for the fight. Though, as well as it was known, he and I didn't exactly work together. How exactly we would even try to win, I hadn't a clue.

I never really thought of going against Izuku seeing as how our quirks were the exact same. And Uraraka... I couldn't even use five percent on her without being sure I wouldn't shatter every bone in her body. My quirk didn't exactly tear my body apart as it did my counterparts, but I still hadn't completely figured out how to control it.

I wasn't guaranteed that if I went after either one of them, I wouldn't shatter them like glass.

"Don't expect me to work with you. If I had it my way, I'd be working on my own to beat the shit out of that damn nerd." Bakugo glared at me for a second as he threatened me quietly enough that nobody besides us could hear.

"If I had it my way, you'd learn to shut up for once in your life."

"What did you just say to me?"

"Nothing." I sighed, turning away from him. I was grateful Bakugo's anger was usually steered more towards Midoriya rather than myself. Yet still, it was Izuku.

As much as I disliked Izuku at the moment, I wasn't gonna let Bakugo murder him.

"You really don't wanna discuss a plan?"

"I'm not discussing anything with you Yatsu." He groaned, waving me away and I obliged, wandering a few feet away from him. "Just don't let your feelings get in the way."

"Young Okuma. Young Bakugo. The key to being successful in this challenge is to embody villainy. Think from the perspective of an evildoer. If things go too far, I'll step in." All Might hazed us as I stole one more glance to my left, finding our opponents standing together awkwardly.

"Right..." I sighed, stealing one more glance before slipping into the building as Bakugo silently sulked behind me.

As silent as ever, we filtered into the room containing the missile. Something must have been going on in his mind. Otherwise, he would've spent this entire time harassing me.

"Do you and Deku really have quirks?" it came out as more of a demand, rather than a question.

"What's it matter if we do?"

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