Chapter 63

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Fair warning; this story contains spoilers for the Manga regarding One For All

Also, this chapter is slightly darker and gorier than others, so please be advised.

There are approx. two chapters left in this story,

As for that, I love you all <3


I wasn't even sure how long I'd been suspended in the air. My body was lit up in a fit of blue flames, my quirk even more enraged than myself.

My mouth hung open, my eyes wide as I was left in a state of which had been completely and utterly controlled by my quirk.

I don't know how long it's been.

I can't even look at All Might.

Can't look at the man who abandoned me so many years ago.

All Might was a frozen mess, at a loss for how to save me. He'd never seen the quirk act up like this before.

He didn't know that if he did try something, it wouldn't get one of us killed.

"Okuma my dear... Oh, my apologies. My dear... Yagi." All For One chuckled. "It appears I've caught you. They say the devil himself resides in the pits of hell... Looking at you now? The way your quirk is set off like some sort of fire alarm? I'm almost sure the devil is looking back at me."

"YOU BASTARD!" All Might screamed. "You'll never get away with this!" He was enraged; his eyes glowing as he watched the two of us.

"Toshinori, do not let your emotions control you!" Gran Torino yelled. "That's not her anymore... that's One For All at its core."

Nana appeared before me like a ghost; levitating in front of me as she softly placed a hand atop of my head. She really was pretty, almost like a god staring back at me. She seemed soft; strong and hard all the same but a sense of softness to her eyes that made me want to reach out to her. "Asami... I'm sorry you found out like this. Please, you cannot blame your father for the wrong he has done. If anything, I ask you to blame me. You can hate me. I instructed him to send you away. You were just a baby at the time and your existence had to be hidden from All For One. You would have died had you stayed with him. He was broken when you were taken from him. He cried every night- spent every training session in a fit of despair and loss. I hope that you never have to experience that pain. I hope you and Midoriya rid this society of such an evil. Please... Asami. You can hate him all you want but for now, I need you to find it in yourself to forgive him. I need you to understand that you are the next Symbol of Peace. I need you to get up and fight. I won't leave you to fight alone. I will protect you."

She smiled, leaning close to me as she placed her finger on my cheek, protruding my mouth into a smile as a tear rolled down my cheek. She laughed softly, swiping it away before patting the top of my head. "Chin up, kiddo. This doesn't have to be the end, my dear."

"I don't... I don't know if I can save them," I whimpered.

"Then stop thinking. Just do it."

I hadn't even thought for a moment more before Nana practically possessed me; the two of us working together to fight against the man who had begun to taunt All Might and Gran Torino from across the rubble.

As soon as a black whip began to unleash itself from my hands, all of them turned to me in a fit of gasps and wide eyes. This black whip... whatever it was- severed the tendril protruding from my body as it quickly embedded itself into the hole in my chest. Halting the gush of blood that had tried to fly out. Nana laughed, launching another whip from my palms as it quickly snaked itself around All For One's neck.

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