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arctic monkeys - arabella

p's pov

       When I had first met Matthew, he was just a regular guy through mutual friends that I had became acquaintances with. But then, it started turning over slowly until it was way out of line and I was stuck. I was stuck in this world he had somehow dragged me into and I had no way of escaping it.

      It first started with parties which was a pretty normal thing at the time for me to show up. But then it would be these nightclubs that led into underground "meetings" with others orchestrated by Matthew, until finally he had me working for him dirty. 

      "Petey, you sure do know how to pick them, hm?" Dylan sneers behind his glass of whiskey he was drowning down. My gaze lingers on him before flashing over to Timothée, our newest recruit whisking away the one I cared for. The lump in my throat doesn't know how to exit as I look back over at Dylan, Matthew's newest victim.

      I know he was here somewhere in the crowd in disguise awaiting for the job to be completed. Like he always did. The mind behind it all but never the one to complete it.

      A false smirk creeps onto my face as I cock my head at him. He was a disgusting man, he deserves what's coming. From what Matthew's new assistant has told me; a crook, stealing from the poor, underpaying his workers, trafficking not only money but also women

      "She really is something huh?" He takes another swing as a chuckle leaves his lips, he continues to stare at the dancing pair as anger rises inside of me. Despite the cheerful holiday music being sung in the background, there was nothing delightful about this. His gaze lifts onto me as a twisted smile flashes onto his face.

      "How much? For one night," He leans over whispering into the air, "You don't mind sharing do you? Wouldn't be the first time." A wink is thrown my way as my jaw clenches. Focus, Pete. You can't show any emotion. My mind quickly snaps out of it and a smile quickly appears on my face causing another chuckle to leave the dingy mans mouth.

       Looking at the crowd I notice a certain curly hair throwing a quick hand signal before the lights above us start to dim. It was time.

      "Why don't we talk about this somewhere more," My cluttered hands waving through the air trying to emphasize, "more private?" He nods eagerly leaving behind his desired whiskey as we collectively walk through the crowd towards one of the back rooms.

      If this was going on plan, nothing bad would happen tonight. To our side of things, nothing bad would happen to us. My speed quickens as we edge nearer to the door, stepping in front of him I push the wooden bearing open. 

      Darkness is what rested behind it, as far as he would know right now. Walking in behind him, I flick on the switch next to him whilst locking the door. As it flickers on a chair is nested in the middle of the mini alcohol storage room alongside with the two suit cladded guards. They each held their version of a gun staring at nothing but the wall in front of them.

      "Sit down Dylan." My hand rests on his shoulder as his body stiffens up under it, an obvious reaction to fear taking over him. A moment later, a sigh escapes my mouth as I push down harder on his shoulder blade causing him to wince and finally take a step forward to the wooden chair.

       Three gentle knocks on the door causes both of our heads to look up. Letting go of his shoulder, two different hands take control of him. Nodding at the guards, I make my way to the oak door unlocking it for the boy. 

      "Where is she?" Are the first words that leave my mouth as Timothée enters the space as if he owned the place. Rolling his eyes he pushes up the sleeves of his blazers whilst taking the last sip of a champage glass and throwing it on the ground nearby.

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