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selena gomez - ring

      The car comes to an halt next to the sidewalk, again on a deserted street just like before. This time though, I had came with Pete and not Ria. We were sort of matching with our outfits, Pete being stubborn about not wanting to be a fairy. 

      "Come on Pete! It'll be fun, I swear." Giving him puppy dog eyes, my lips pout as he sternly shakes his head in denial.

      "No fucking way. I'll just go as a hunter or something." We look over at Ria who was all dressed up already trying to help us with our last minute costume. They shake their head at us and start to look at the many clothes that they had from previous clients. They pull out at a forest green suit with a black button up and hand it to Pete as they rummage through another pile.

      Ria pulls out a leaf crown and looks over it before handing it to Pete. "It's from some weird photoshoot I helped out on. It'll go with the suit." Pete nods his head and I grab it from his hands so I could put it on him.

      "There. You're like a leaf fairy prince in a suit." I throw him a wink and turn back around to Ria smiling wildly holding my outfit up.

      Walking up to the steel door we enter into a long passageway dimmed with barely any lighting at all guiding the way. We reach the end after a minute or so and meet up with Randy the security guard from last time. He gives us a look over and nods opening the guarded door and letting us through. 

     The moment we enter flashing blue lights dance around our skin as we make our way into the large crowd. Everyone was dressed up as many various things all dancing amongst themselves. 

      The energy in the air was exotic and new and something I've never experienced before.

      Pete grabs onto my hands and starts to make his way through the dancing people towards the bar not that far away from us. We take a sit in two empty swivel bar stools next to each other and wait for the bartender who was busy with other people. I glance around us at all the different costumes everyone was wearing.

       From where I sat I could see people dressed up as cats, Paris Hilton, Cher, bunnies, clowns, etc. If you could imagine it, you could probably imagine someone here wearing it. Pete talks from next to me and I turn back around to see him ordering our drinks for us. The bartender walks off and makes them.

      "It's much different this time!" I yell over the music to Pete who was watching over me. He nods and gives me a smile whilst the bartender sets our drinks down in front of us. I grab the cold glass and bring it up to my lips taking a sip that makes me scrunch my face, whatever Pete had gotten me was bitter as fuck.

      I take another sip just for him and set the glass back down on the bar. Grabbing Pete's hand I tug on it towards the dance floor but he's reluctant. He shakes his head and I frown at him before letting go of his hand and going by myself. I look back at him as he shakes his head at me with a smile before getting up to follow me.

      A new song starts to play and the crowds screams start to get more hype. With a grin I take Pete's hand and put it over my shoulder as I start to dance along to the song playing. The song had a smooth beat that was catchy making it easy to dance to.

      You all in your feelings baby, all into me I'm one in a billion baby, don't you agree? Obviously, you know I'm aware of that I'm breaking hearts like a heartache, got him right where the carats at

      The couples in the crowd paired up together and danced together slowly to the beat in a sexual way. Nobody was in other peoples way as if this happened before.

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now