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lorde - sober II (melodrama)

      The moment I see the door I can instantly tell which room we were at, The Pink Room. The door itself was painted a light blush pink with sprinkled glitter over it along with a fluff outlining the door. I could recognize it from the first time I had saw it, seeing as I was told I had "nothing to worry about" when I asked what was inside. Well, I guess I was about to find out.

      This one though seemed to have more of a happy vibe to it, the lighting was bright pink from the LED's stuck onto the concrete ceiling. There was heart shapes painted onto the ground leading into a door that was covered in light pink glitter and surrounded by pink fluff.

      I'm not sure if it was the alcohol in my system but the pink seemed extra bright.

      Next to the concrete wall separating it from the art room we were perviously in was a table that seemed to have a bowl of candy on it. The boys including Pete seemed to get excited as Ricky knocked on the door and revealing a girl dressed like a bright pink cat opened it. The girls in the group rolled their eyes as the three boys entered the room leaving us behind. The three girls started to talk to each other as I stood back genuinely confused as to what was happening. 

      Glancing back at Pete who was at the back of the group, he seemed uneasy and nervous. Raising an eyebrow towards him, he sends me a pleading look which I end up ignoring. Before I had met him, this was obviously one of the many things he had enjoyed doing with his friends. A hand is placed on my back, Matthew's seeing as how he's next to me, and we enter through the brightly colored door.

      At first, the lights were way too bright for my eyes to see but once they had adjusted. I knew exactly why these men were always excited to go here. Females of every race and body types were strayed all over the room dressed in cat-like outfits, dancing, kissing, or putting on a show for the numerous people in the room.

      In the corner, there was one even performing a sexual act on the person sitting in the chair. His head was thrown back and his mouth agape as the tall strawberry blonde hollowed cheeks were wrapped around him. Clenching my jaw I look to the now empty spot next to me, and then to Matthew who has left to a twin duo who were already waiting for him.

      The rest of the men had departed, each going to their own little spot leaving Pete and I to ourselves.

      "This is what you didn't want me to worry about the first time? Prostitution?" I glare towards the body who had moved next to me, who was clearly uncomfortable with the question thrown at him.

      "Can we talk about this later? Or at least somewhere else?" He looks down with pleading eyes and all I can do is say nothing as one of the girls tropples over. Tilting my head, I stare at her as she gets closer to us with a wicked smile on her face. There was something familiar about her that I couldn't place.

      "Pete! It's been forever since you've been here. The usual?" My jaw clenches harder as she speaks ignoring my presence.

      "Emily.. you've met Luna before. My girlfriend." The brunette turns to me after a moment of looking at Pete. She flashes me a fake smile as she holds out her hand in her way of greeting. I knew where she was from now.

      I stare down at her hand, crossing my hands across my chest and ignoring her in whole. My eyes flicker across the room trying to figure out what my place of being here even is. Emily lets out a huff of air before turning and sauntering away from us, leaving us in peace. 

      The coke was just starting to leave my body, seeing as my urge to want more began to grow the longer I stood here. Before I know it my body was bringing its self towards Matthew who had the twins all up on him. Pete tried grabbing my arm but I shrug him off, on a mission to get my fix.

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now