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billie eilish - no time to die

      Arthur's purrs radiated off of my body as I sat criss crossed on my couch, with him laying on my lap. Pete was right beside me, we've been here for at least ten minutes but neither one of us has spoken yet. The silence was louder than the thoughts that were radiating off of us. I knew most of everything and he knew it.

      "So." His voice breaks the air despite it being a single syllable word.

      "So." His head turns towards me, and then slowly his knees are pointed at me. "Just tell me everything, Pete. From when we first met. Please."

      Arthur lets out a small squeal as he yawns before nuzzling his head against his stomach, in a rolled up position. Pete breaks a smile at the cute act before gaining seriousness again.

      "When we first met, I didn't think much of you honestly. I just thought I'd give you a ride home and that'd be the last time we met but I was wrong. Because then you showed up at that party, and I was surprised to see you." He starts off, describing the first couple times we had met with a smile etched on his face. A smile also grows on mine at such the innocent times of life.

      "You know, I still have the photo you drew that night." He pulls out his wallet from his pocket and shows me. Shaking my head at him I roll my eyes at the messy drawing I had done before I got black out drunk. "Anyways, the next day we got coffee, cause I thought you were one of the sickest people ever and I guess that's when I started to like you."

      His hand scratches the nape of his neck as a slight red tint develops on his cheeks.

      "Aw, that was our first official date." I remember as if the day was only yesterday. He starts to chuckle before continuing.

      "Then I was gone for those two weeks. Sorry again." He throws me a sheepish smile, "But the real reasoning behind that, I did go to California but Matthew had... business out there."

      "Business? As killing?" I question him as he nods his slowly as if he regretted it.

      "Then I left your place shortly after because, there was a meeting he wanted me to attend to."

      "Wait, Pete." I furrow my brows as a million questions run through my mind that weren't making sense. "How did you even get involved with him?" 

      Pete was hesitant to answer, a moment of silence was shared between us as he tried to piece his words together carefully. "I first met Matthew through a co-worker of mine, at Saturday Night Live. They told me he was a man I should know seeing as how I was "climbing" social-wise." I nod along to his words, listening intently.

      "When we first met up, it was a normal night out. Clubs, drinking, smoking weed, you know the usual? But then he told me about his own club, and at the time it wasn't really a thing but he needed help with it so I told him I would help. I just didn't know he'd have me tied to him for so long."

      "Right, so after California, two days later. When we met yet again at Exotic Flower, I wasn't expecting to see you there. It makes me think, if we never had gone to the gala this shit would've never happened." His brows furrow as he thinks about that night.

      "That was the night where Matthew had first seen me." My teeth gnaw on my bottom lip as his face flashes in my mind as he had stared me down multiple times that night.

      Pete nods his head along, "The Pink Room.. I never really participated in that sort of thing, only once or twice when I was super fucked up in the head." His eyebrows scrunch together as he tries to remember where he left out. "Oh yeah, then when I had called you that one night.."

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now