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alec benjamin - if I killed someone for you  

      Today was the day. The day of old endings and new beginnings.

      It was going to happen and ever since the moment I woke up, it's daunted on me. Today, we were killing a man. A man that's plagued our lives and made hell on earth.

     Pete and I stood in the abandoned building, in one of the rooms on the bottom floor all the way in the back away from the street. The only light shining through was from three windows, one on each wall and the doorway where we waited for the arrival. The ceiling above us was an egg white that was slowly peeling and the ground below us was a brighter white tile, cracking underneath our feet.

     If it was going to plan, this would be quick and easy. We'd be out in ten minutes top with no worries. But yet, I still worried, there was just this feeling deep down in my stomach that kept screaming at me, just leave. But I couldn't and I won't.

      I've never killed a man before, and that could obviously been seen.

      I tried my best to keep my breathing normal, to not alarm Pete of how anxious I was feeling. He probably felt the same, but was better at hiding it than I was. The dark aura already surrounding this room didn't help at all.

      So, we stood here, awaiting the man who had made us but also in the most neurotic way fucked us. By doing this, he'd be ruining us but by leaving it be, we'd also be ruined. There was no winning solution in knowing Matthew Gray. And after today, no one will know him.

     Since we've gotten here, we haven't spoken one word but rather drowning in the last moment of peaceful silence we'll ever get together. The last moment. My eyes fall shut as I take a deep breathe, the dusty air colliding with my ruined lungs. Nothing was to go wrong, Fez and Timothée stood outside the doorway talking like as if this was just another normal day. 

      The last moment between two lovers who had wanted no part of this world, who only wanted one another. It was tragic, really. The reality of things is no matter how good it seems after this, there'll always be that haunting feeling of guilt that'll be hanging over us.

     And that's when it grows quiet, and when my heart starts pounding against my chest. My throat goes dry and I swear I see Pete's body go tense at the moment of silence as well. That's when the door opens up to more than just a crack and Matthew strides in with a smirk. Confidence raiding off of his body as if he knew he'd walk out of here alive.

      Somehow he knew.

     "Ah, what a surprise! My two darling friends

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     "Ah, what a surprise! My two darling friends." He cocks his head to the side and stares us down one by one. "To what do I owe this- rather dreadful meeting?"

     Pete's jaw clenches causing me to grab onto his hand with my own. Refusing to speak with the dryness of my throat and the possible waver of my voice, I let Pete do it.

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