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bruno mars - talking to the moon

Knocking on the pink wooden door that had 776 written on it, I stand awkwardly with a duffel bag in my hands. After getting home from the jog, Ria had texted me that they slept for most of the day and wanted to have a sleepover like how we used to. So I packed a bag and went over to their apartment in Brooklyn.

A couple of minutes late and the door swings open to reveal Ria in baggy grey sweats and a red hoodie. Heading inside I set my bag next to the door as Ria heads to the blush pink couch placed perfectly next to the window that looked out over the city. If you peer down you can see the masses of people that walk by and traffic drive by in an almost calming matter. Ria unpauses the movie on the TV screen and grabs the already popped popcorn off the glass coffee table.

Walking over to the window I look out at all the cars driving to their destinations and all the businesses still open late. My eyes flicker over to the low lit restaurant that I was in the night before with Pete. It causes a smile to rise as I think back to our conversations shared that night.

I sit down next to Ria and place my head on their shoulder as my eyes focus onto the moving picture on the screen that I had no idea was about.

Ria had gotten a head start on their career in High School when they won a fashion contest and won like around $10,000. With the money they had earned they saved it and once graduated from High School had put it towards one of the best fashion schools in New York, Parsons. They were also super smart and had gotten a shit ton of scholarships so I mean they were kinda set to succeed in their career.

Of course they haven't always been successful the whole time, everyone has their flaws. Sophomore year of college they dropped out and started their own business which is now a huge success so I guess in a way, wasn't a flaw. I've known them since we were both in sixth grade and repulsing everyone with our love for One Direction and Twilight. We know everything about each other and have always been there for each other through bad and good.

Without them I'd probably still be in Vegas struggling with life, they're the whole reason I moved out and pursued the career that I am doing today. They push me to do the fun stuff in life and go out of my comfort zone instead of sulk around in my apartment.

"What's this movie about?" I reach over and grab the popcorn bowl and shove a couple of pieces in my mouth. The screen shows an elderly man falling off a cliff and hitting the ground causing my eyes go wide at the gory imagery. The man isn't dead though he's still alive until they hit him with a hammer. "Jesus Christ, I can't watch this." I cover my eyes with my hands and turn away.

"It's Midsommar, that folk horror movie I was telling you about last week." Ria laughs at my expression and takes the bowl back resting it in their lap so we can both enjoy it's tastiness. They reach over to the remote and turn the volume down to low to where you can barely hear it. "I have so much shit to tell you, and you have so much shit to tell me so let's start."

Anxiety starts to twist around my stomach with the thoughts filling my head surrounding the conversation we were about to have. Fuck, how do I even explain anything? It's been the weirdest week in my whole life.

"I would like to first start off by saying I'm sorry for ditching you the last two times we've hung out. It won't happen ever again, I swear." They stick their pinky out for a pinky promise. We've done pinky promises since middle school, it was a serious thing for us to do that we had to swear by. We never broke pinky promises. "Second, I may or may not have met someone but I'm not sure you may like them. It's Sarah, that girl at the parties I sorta left you for. But, I want you to two meet soon..." Ria rambles on after that about whatever happened at the club but I zone out thinking about their new relationship.

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