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maggie lindemann - scissorhands

      My body stayed there glued in the middle of the sidewalk as people pushed or shoved their way past me. They were all in a rush to go somewhere whereas I was in rush to get nowhere. Standing in the middle of Times Square staring up at your own face/body on one of the buildings would've been ethereal or even a dream come for some, but to me it was a complete nightmare. I never wanted any of this, none of this should've happened. All I wanted to be was a tattoo artist living my life with my best friend Ria.

      "Excuse me." A body pushes past me harder than the rest causing me to snap out of everything as I fall to the ground.

     I hear snickering behind me and turn my head to see two bodies staring down at me. One with guilt and one with joy. The guilty one comes over and helps me up, his tatted hands wrapping over me in a protective manner. Pete.

      The joyous one had glee covering his face as he tried his best to hide his laughter though failing at it. Timothée. Rolling my eyes at him I press my body further against Pete's, engulfing myself inside his arms. I'm not sure how the three of us ended up in Time Square nor why we are even here, but we are.

      "Come on, Matthew is waiting for us." Timothée speaks after checking his phone that laid in his hand. Pete and I followed shortly behind with me still in his arms. We walk inside of one of the office buildings and into the elevator that was filled with silence minus the classical music in the back.

      We reach the top floor and our trio pools out into a room busting with people frantically running around. My head swarms in confusion at the sight and how it involves any of us at all but whatever.

      "Timmy! Pete! Luna?" Matthew's voice booms over everyone causing a few to look at us before going back to work. His body comes closer to us as he looks at me strangely. "What are you doing here?"

      Before I can reply to him, I see a familiar red head pass by me. Letting go of Pete's hand I start to walk over to the person as protests behind me followed.

      "Fez? What the fuck are you doing here?" My hand touches his shoulder as his body freezes before he turns around facing me. A fake smile covers his face, an obvious one too. "I haven't seen you since my party!"

      "What a crazy thing, we're both here." He speaks through his teeth glancing behind me. Turning back I see the three males all standing behind me in almost a protective manner causing me to furrow my brows at them. If anything, I've known Fez longer than I've known any of them.

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      They all stood there with different looks on their faces. Timothée stood watching in amusement like as if something was about to happen. Matthew had concern and worry. Pete, just looked like Pete like he didn't know what was going on either.

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now