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lana del rey - cherry

After thirty minutes of waiting for any sign of Ria, I opted to sitting down on to the dirty New York street. Pete looked down at me and shook his head watching as my body slid against the brick wall.

"I can't stand anymore, these platforms are literally killing my feet." Motioning towards my shoes, his gaze falls down onto them and before I know it his body is right next to mine on the floor. "You know, you don't have to sit out here with me. You can go back inside." He shakes his head and pulls out another joint from his pocket before resting it in between his plump lips.

"Trust me, I've been to this thing so many times. I can miss out this one time." He pulls out a lighter and lights up the stick that was hanging out of his mouth. The smoke wafts around us as I stare out at the deserted road. It looked like a prosperous residential area that families of doctors or lawyers would live in. "Have you ever toured the city?" He sucks in the smoke causing his cheeks to slightly hollowing inward in before he blows it out towards the street. It was the most attractive thing to witness. I shake my head no and he gets a small look of surprise.

"Well, I guess we're gonna have to go on an adventure right?" He stands up and proceeds to reach out for my hand with his own. I reluctantly grab his hand and stand up with him but I don't move my legs.

He swiftly grabs onto my hand, dragging me towards his renowned black Corvette I've been in a couple of times already. He opens the passenger door and holds his hand out as if he was a posh prince or something, "M'lady." He keeps a cheesy grin on his face as I get in.

With no idea where I was going for a second time tonight I just let all worries go away from my mind. Pete was playing some song I've never heard before on AUX and was mouthing along to the lyrics. The night sky darkened his face but the street lights illuminated certain spots making him look more attractive if that was humanely possible. Smiling, I turn towards the window and stare at the mysterious city passing by us in a glance. Groups of people walked by living their own life and their own story a second by the time.

Once at a red light, the the red tint covers his face as he looked outside his window towards what seemed to be a bar. From my angle I couldn't tell exactly what it was but I knew he had a connection to it by his continuous staring. A few cars pulled up next to us and behind us but traffic was still going the opposing way. My phone started to buzz on my body and I pull it out to see a spam from Fez talking about what a night he's had.

I shake my head and shove my phone back in to my bag as the light turns green and we're speeding off once again away from the cars behind us.

After a couple of minutes, Pete parallel parks outside of what seems like an abandoned building. Scrunching my nose at the sight of it, he gets out and speed walks over to my door and opening it for me. He flashes me a grin as I get out. His figure walks ahead of me and opens the door to the "abandoned" building, there was a flight of stairs leading downwards that was barely lit up.

I start to make my way down as Pete falls into line next to me. He grips my hand as the lighting starts to get brighter the farther we go. The swinging of the lightbulb causes a dull orange glow to cast onto our skin as we continue down until we hit a hallway thats full of glass panes showcasing off different rooms.

Each room was separated by a concrete wall so you couldn't see into the room next to it if you were in that room. Pete pushes the first door open and I follow closely behind still holding hands with his. Black lights hung from the ceiling giving this particular room a blue hue and causing whatever white was on us to glow.

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now