18 <3

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taylor swift - wildest dreams (taylor's version)

TW/ mentions of a blade/knife cutting later on in the chapter! There is a separate TW stating when it starts <3

      The steam from the freshly brewed hot chocolate chocolate swirled in the cold air like white clouds. Packs of people pushed down the concrete sidewalk all going their own ways to live their everyday lives. The chair screeched and sat down in front of me was the one and only Matthew Gray. His ring covered hands grabbed the steaming cup that was sitting in front of me and slid it over towards himself. His eyes stared down into mine as he brought the black mug up to his lips and slowly drank it. My eyebrows furrowed as I go to protest since it was my drink but his hand flew up stopping it before it could even begun. 

      "I asked you here to talk about your next gig." The cup was placed back down with a clink followed by tapping from his fingers onto the table. "Your friend Ria? We're gonna partner them up with you for this one. It's a magazine cover that includes a piece about our clothes and you. They want a second person involved for the shoot but they're hung up between these two models who are incapable to do it anyways." Matthew rolls his eyes as I watch him rant on about nothing.

      "Is there any chance I can maybe choose the someone?" I cock my head to the side asking the question hoping it would be a positive one. His ring cladded index finger and naked thumb rested on his chin as he leaned back in the chair observing me. He tended to do that when pondering about serious stuff, I took note of it when Ria forced me to watch a couple of his interviews. 

      His eyebrows raised in slight shock at my remark taking a bit of time before responding, "Who would it be? We would need them right away, the shoot is in a couple of hours." My eyes widened at the short amount he had given me. His body now leaned closer, resting his elbows against the table. The fence next to us collided with something and I look over to the sudden noise only to see a man standing there in astonishment holding a camera in his hands. My eyebrows furrowed at him as he started to take photos of Matthew and asking him rapid questions which to Matthew shortly responded to. "Look, I don't mean to be rude but we're sort of in a meeting at the moment."

      "That's no problem. I'm just gonna go over there." The man walked away but not too far where he continued to snap photos of Matthew and I. 

      Rolling my eyes I focus back onto the matter of hand, "Maybe could it be Pete? Pete Davidson of course." Pushing a stray strand of hair out of my face, I watch Matthew's expression go from a bored one to thinking. I'm not sure if they knew each other or not but Matthew pulled his phone out and started to type on it before answering a phone call. He whispered into it, making it hard for me to hear what he was saying or who he was saying what to.

 He whispered into it, making it hard for me to hear what he was saying or who he was saying what to

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      The phone disappears from his ear and his focus is back onto me. 

      "You wanted Pete, you got him." He throws me a wink and gets up from the seat causing it to scrap against the concrete ground. Looking down at the hot chocolate he pushes it back over to me and collects his belongings. "Two hours. Lily will text you the address and everything, don't be late." As he walks away he looks back for split second before disappearing into the cafe building.

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now