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paramore - all I wanted

TW // panic attacks (* indicates when it starts and when it ends)

            "What do you mean? How is he the evilest man?" I sit up from laying down and look down at them. Their eyes flutter close as their mouth opens to talk but no words come out.

      They sit up so we're facing each other now, with only the moonlight filling in the room it was hard to read the expression on their face. "I didn't want to tell you. I was going to, eventually. But then you signed that contract and it was too late." They look down at their lap avoiding eye contact from me as if I was going blow up.

      "He's done so much fucked up shit to so many people. He manipulates, controls, owns, he's like how would you say. A "modern day devil" to most. You sign a paper or contract and he practically owns you." A quiet gasp escapes my mouth at their statement as my mind flashes back to earlier of today and what Matthew had told me in that room.

       My eyes widen even more as I go to protest his statement but he stops me, "You can't say no so don't even try to. You signed a contract binding you here for five years." Five years? My mind starts to race with thoughts as I stare at him panicked. What the fuck? Why did he trick him. "You're technically under my possession now, so you do whatever I tell you to do." My mind races not being able to wrap my mind around what was going on.

      I feel tears well up in my eyes as Ria continues to spill more about Matthew, "Once he starts an obsession over something, it doesn't go away. I overhead some people saying it was you..I'm really hoping it's not Luna." They grab my hands as the tears start to roll out of both our eyes. 

      Blindly crying over something I could've avoided, I should've read those stupid papers. My hand starts to tremble inside of theirs and I feel their grip tighten around mine.

      "I-I-I've been told, he wants me as the face of his clothing." I can barely spit out the sentence before Ria stops me.

      "The clothing apparel is a fraud. It's a cover-up. I learned that quickly after that one meeting. It's a cover-up for something worse, do you remember that club we went to?"

      "Exotic Flower? Of course, why wouldn't I remember that place." Even in the darkness I can feel Ria's eyes piercing into mine sharply.

      They let out a grunted sigh and let go of my hand. "That's the cover-up. It seems like a normal club, but it's not. Not normal at all." They pause for a moment thinking, "Those dancers- they're people trying to make it famous who are signed under Matthew. The people invited "exclusively" are all connected to Matthew in some sort of way. He owns Exotic Flower."

      My gaze falls down to my nail-beds which now have chipped polish from the stress of today. "I just wanted to be a tattoo artist. I didn't want any of this. I met Matthew at a fucking gas station! Fuck. Wait, do you mean Pete is connected to Matthew." I ask cautiously. If he's connected to Matthew and this whole thing, why didn't he warn me? Why didn't he tell me or even try to stop it. Ria's hand slowly comes up and wipes away a few escaped tears on my cheek.

      I remember seeing Pete at the club, he mentioned he's gone many times before and not only that but he knew where the secret art exhibit was. Not even Ria and their friends knew that. The pink room, him and his friends all seemed so happy to be going inside of there, as if they've been in there before and it was a tradition. 

      The boys including Pete seemed to get excited as Ricky knocked on the door and revealing a girl dressed like a bright pink cat opened it. The girls in the group rolled their eyes as the three boys entered the room leaving us behind.

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now