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edited <3  

one direction - night changes acoustic

   My feet lead me to a glass building with a greeter standing guard outside of it. He gives me a small smile and a nod as I look up at the humongous building that towered over the city. I'm pretty sure, this was the right address? Glancing down at the screen I read the message again, 17th floor Greensview Building, New york, NY 10111. Flashing a smile towards the greeter he opens the door, welcoming me inside the professional looking lobby. 

     Wow, this was really happening. Matthew told me to keep my outfit simple so I did so, only wearing a loose white v-neck and black tights. I walk up to the receptionist and give her a smile, I ask her where I'm supposed to be going and she helps me figure it out. As I press the elevator button it lights up the arrow pointing up. As time passed by my nerves grew stronger, this was only a one time thing to supply with me until I found a new job. No big deal, we're fine.

     The doors slide open revealing an all around mirror interior, as if elevators aren't scary enough already. Stepping inside my shaky fingers press the 17th floor button, holy shit that was so high up. Cliche Elevator music fills the small space, not calming my mind one bit but instead making me more nervous as the red numbers slowly count up till they reach seventeen. Sliding open once again I step out and immediately see people walking around in head gear, models taking photos or getting their makeup/hair done. 

     I feel so out of place here, I do not belong

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     I feel so out of place here, I do not belong. My eyes widen as I look around like a lost puppy before I feel a hand on my shoulder. My head slows turn around and I come face to a button up covered torso, looking up I see it's Matthew. He flashes me a cheeky smile and starts to guide me towards an empty chair that was facing a vanity lined up with actual professional models. In the mirror he whispers into the stylists ear and she nods her head before looking back over at me through the mirror.

      A look appears on his face like he's trying to figure something out as he continues to stare before he leans down and says, "Your shoot is going to be sorta different from the other models so you're going to be going last. It might be awhile but Lily here, is gonna help prep you and coach you through everything while the hair stylist does your hair." He gives me a nod before I can reply and walks off towards a busy looking group that held worrisome looks on their faces. 

     My eyes widen as the girl dressed in an all black pant suit plays around with my hair flipping it here and there. Who I assume to be Lily walks over with a clipboard tapping on it with a pencil as she spoke into the headpiece connected to her ear. She gives me a once over before she turns around and walks away muttering something. My eyebrows furrow at her descending figure as my hair continues to get played with.

     "Your fine with a small cut right? It'll just be a trim nothing major." The stylist asks staring at my dead ends. I give her a small nod and she smiles grabbing a squirt bottle and wetting my hair. In the mirror you can see the chaos going on behind me, there was flashing lights from the cameras, crew members running around, models standing around talking to each other. There was a guy with a camera documenting the whole thing while interviewing the models. Pulling out my phone I see a text from Pete. 

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now