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she wants revenge - tear you apart

     Ria and I sat in complete silence, sipping our coffee staring at each other. Dom was fast asleep in Ria's room after spending the night caring for them whereas Pete had left early in the morning for some work meeting. So it was just Ria and I in the same room staring at each other.

     You couldn't deny the air was tense, especially with what happened last night, but I admit it was completely my fault. I set my hot cup down and open my mouth but am cut off by them slamming their cup down spilling some of the hot liquid making a rim of coffee around the mug. 

     "I'm mad at you." They say giving me a harsh glare. My eyes widen at them but I'm not able to form a sentence yet as my mind raced with a billion different ways to apologize. "Do you know how scared I was when you didn't come out after that mini scene you made? How when you got here you didn't even bother to tell me?"

     "My phone died-" Is all I can say before they let out a loud scoff followed by an eye roll.

      "I'm sure it did. Or were you rather busy being carried by Matthew Gray through the streets of New York?" My mouth falls open a little as I try my best to remember what had happened the night before.

     "Ria. Let me explain please." I plead waiting for their notion as they sit there but eventually giving up and crossing their arms in front of their chest. "Thank you, I made the most disgusting mistake last night by fucking listening to Matthew and I know- I shouldn't have. But we had drinks and I took something I shouldn't have that clouded my judgment and I wish I could take it back. I really do." I try my best to explain what happened but they still had that look on their face as if they were still mad at me.

      They stand up followed by a screech from the chair on the floor. "Don't you have a shoot to go to?" They say and leave before I can respond. My loose hair falls in front of my face as I get up as well while grabbing my cup and pouring the coffee into the sink.

 My loose hair falls in front of my face as I get up as well while grabbing my cup and pouring the coffee into the sink

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       Bitter coffee never tasted good in the morning anyways.

      I grab my bag from the bar top and leave the apartment wearing a loose pajamas shirt and sweats followed by my socks and crocs. Once in the elevator, I pull my phone out waiting for it to go down and re-check the location that Lily had sent me this morning when I had woken up. She had also mentioned something about a meeting after the shoot so today was busy for me apparently.

      Once outside of the building, I wave down a cab and hop inside telling the driver the address. Settling down I stare outside the window watching the people pass by as the driver starts driving down the traffic packed streets of Brooklyn. Soft orchestra music played in the background as I scroll through Twitter laughing at all the halloween tweets from the night before. 

      As I'm scrolling down the timeline I notice a video that makes me click on it and watch. As I'm watching I realize it's what Ria had mentioned earlier from today that I had no idea had happened. It was from a reporters point of view and it showed Matthew picking me up and carrying my down the street hurriedly as I stupidly responded to the people.

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now