the night they met

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the neighbourhood - you get me so high

A/N: so if ur reading this its because this story has reached 100k reads, wow! that's so crazy to me and ahh thank you guys so much for the support on this story and my other ones <3 so... as a lil thank you appreciation here's a surprise chapter !!! this is the night of the first party they had "met". not an after because well.. if ur reading this then you know the ending already LMAO but i hope you guys enjoy it <3 (longer appreciation at the end but u can skip it if u want lmao)

Hands entertained our skin. Bodies pushing against us. Dark shadows following our every moves but as of right now it was just two nobodies making their way through a party crowd. A small back room in the living room greeted us that only led us to a room that was filled to the brim with a mixture of smoke and body odor. God, some people at parties really need to learn what a shower is. Crinkling my nose I try my best to ignore it as the man next to me, Pete, greets people on our way in to whatever room he was taking me to.

The room had a purple hue to it that definitely set off whatever vibe that was going on in here. Calming? No, close but not quite. Nirvana? No, no. Euphoric. Smoke climbed up our bodies as small glows danced around the room as they were passed around from person to person like a train going around and round. Never-ending.

"Luna!" My head swivels towards my name seeing Ria sitting there with the group of friends they had left with. "Hey babes, glad you could find me! How are you enjoying the place?" Oh, they were high. Red eyes stared back at mine as giggles slipped past their lips despite me not saying anything back yet.

"Good, great, yeah. Are you good?" My hand rests on their shoulder in fear of my friend possibly getting roofied or worse. My eyes glance at the small smoke circle they were in as everybody chatted calming to each other, good vibes so far.

"Never been better," Their head falls back as they laugh loudly, "Fuck! You have to try this shit." A joint was in their fingers that I hadn't noticed before that was already almost dead. "Oh man, I'm sure I have another." They pat their body but before they could find one a tattooed hand waved an unlit one in my face.

I smile at Pete as an unlit one rested in between his lips, how much weed did he carry on him? My fingers carefully take it from him as Ria shoves a lighter into my hand as one as well shows up in Pete's hands. A geeky smile lifts on his lips as he reaches over to light mine up as I place it between my lips. Ria's hand guides mine towards Pete's as I feel a flash go off once Ria's hand moves away. God, I hate having my photo taken.

My lungs quickly inhale the toxins as I look over at Pete who was already staring back down at me. Shoot, he caught me staring. My body instantly feels different as it's been awhile since I've gotten high and my tolerance was low. This room was definitely far off different from the room right outside, a far off difference.

I continue to smoke the now shortened paper in my hand as it disappears in a flash second causing my eyes to go wide. Greedy hands grab mine as I'm quickly dragged out of the calm area to the more crazy part by Ria who began dancing to the music that blasted through our ears. Without control of my body I follow their movements as we face each other moving to the beat of the song. It was familiar but in this moment of time I had no space to remember the name of it.

My hair flew in all directions as Ria and I held onto each other as if it was the last time our souls would be with each other for a very long time. My heart pounded inside of my chest as we turn towards one of the girls who had jumped on top of a table. Without even thinking about it and more of an instinct I begin cheering her on just as everyone in the crowd. My hands cup around my mouth as I cheer her on. Not that long later some guys bring her down causing the mini crowd to boo at them. They flip the crowd off as I begin to laugh and turn to Ria who just laughed as well. Rolling my eyes I flicked my gaze around the room in hopes I would magically know where the bathroom was.

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