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selena gomez - she

      After leaving Ria's place I took a taxi back to Staten Island which took around 45 minutes, thankfully there wasn't that much traffic. I've always dreamed of living in the city with an apartment like that, it would make life so much easier. But instead I live in Staten Island in the cheapest place I could afford. I wasn't complaining but it would be a dream to live in a high-rise fulfilling your dreams. Being a tattoo artist in the main city, tatting high-end people as I live in a cozy studio viewing over the city life. That was the dream.

      My mind traces back to the last two nights and everything that has happened with Pete, even though I barely know him I feel like I know everything. We've never really had a deep talk before about anything, all we've done was kiss and share small talk while we ate food.

      My eyebrows furrow and I snap back to reality when someone snaps their fingers in front of my face. Focusing back onto the image in front of me I look up and see Sean giving me a "focus on your client" look and walking away to the other side towards Dilan. I flash the guy an apologetic smile and take the transfer paper off of his hand.

      Hand tattoos were always my favorite thing to do, especially when its one that go from the wrist to the hand. It's just something about the placement and design that makes me feel all giddy inside. I notice the guy has a lot of tattoos covering him so hopefully he wasn't one to squirm around a lot and cause it to mess up.

      While starting the tattoo, Heather walks over with a smile on her face. Her cherry red hair was tied up in a loose pony tail with a few strands hanging out framing her face. Leaning over onto the half wall she observes the needles piercing into the guys hand.

      "Do you have any plans after work?" Her fingers dance around the concrete that made up the wall, swirling along the pattern.

      "I don't think so, why?" Stretching out the skin near the knuckles was difficult but I did the best with what I could work with. Heather continued to peer over before she sat down in one of the chairs provided in my work space for company. Heather has been working here before I even started to work here. She told me once when I first met her how she wanted to get an apprenticeship and become an artist as well but how difficult it was to find one. I was the same, it took awhile before I found one in my hometown.

       A frown forms on her face as she glances down at her Vans occupying her feet. "Oh. Everyone was gonna go head out for drinks once the shop was closed since we're closing early today. They said they invited you?" I pull the needle back and look at her before I glance at Sean who was still with Dilan. They were laughing together at something. Pressing my gloved fingers onto my head and creasing the skin I shake my head.

      "He always excludes me from shit, it's so tiring." Fuck, now I have to change my gloves too. Getting up from the stool I snap the gloves off of my hands and throw them into the trash under my desk. This isn't the first time he's done something like this and it probably won't be the last. Heather gives me a sad smile and slumps down in the chair.

      "I wasn't going to go, I had a feeling they didn't actually invite you." Heather was the sweetest person here, she just graduated from high school last year so she's still new to the "adult" life.

      "Listen to me Heather and listen closely," Grabbing a new pair of gloves I put them on and turn towards the slumped girl. "Don't ever ever let someone treat you like shit and push you around. If you're going to survive in this career you need to be around supportive people."

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now