epilogue <3

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harry styles - falling

      The once all white tiles were now a stained brown color from the blood that was vastly drying up. Two bodies laid there, each in their own blood meters apart from each other. Both of their souls were long gone by the time their bodies were finally noticed. When the police and ambulance had arrived on the scene, all there was to be seen were two bodies and two guns. They called it a murder-suicide, the reasoning no one was sure. The scene was horrific and news coverages tried to get every angle they could of the bodies.

      A crazed paparazzi had snuck in dressed as one of the investigators, he took photos of the two but was soon arrested shortly after getting caught trying to sell the photos.      

     Two bodies were laid to rest on January 25, 2020. Each one on opposites sides of the country, one in New York and the other in Las Vegas. Both for different reasons.

      Luna Hail was buried surrounded by family and loved ones at a Woodlawn Cemetery in Las Vegas, Nevada. Everyone who had knew her had came, except for two. Pete Davidson hadn't dared showed his face at the memorial, but was thinking of her. And her father. Far too caught up with his mistress, hadn't even noticed his eldest had died until a news report on TV later that night.

     Chelsea Hail was the most affected by the death of her sister, she looked up to her in so many ways. At first, she had been thrown into a episode of depression that had left her in that state for almost a year until she decided to continue move on for her sister's sake.

     Matthew Gray was buried in East Hillside Cemetery located in Glen Cove, New York. Attended only by three people, the priest, Colson Baker, and Ricky Velez. No family had shown, seeing how he was buried right next to them in a family plot of land. After that, Exotic Flower was never heard of again and never would be again.

     The tabloids had gone absolutely crazy over the death of the manager and the client. Some called it, an affair gone wrong? A murder-suicide like Romeo and Juliet. They were far off from the truth. Some blamed Pete, seeing how he went missing right after the whole ordeal.

      And as for the man of the hour, Pete Davidson stayed in Paris. Timothée and him lived in separate apartments but the same building under their fake identities but were still noticed by some. They were slowly growing and moving on, slowly but surely in a couple of years they would be fine.

      Ria, was an absolute mess after the death of their best friend. They had broken up with Dom the night they had gotten the news, and blocked everyone out. They moved out of New York back to Las Vegas (with Arthur the cat) to take care of Luna's family. Wanting to still be in the fashion career, they opened a boutique that became an instant hit. The name of the store being called: Luna.

      Fez moved to London but after a week of being there, had moved to New York and got a job at a rehab center helping teens with their drug addictions. Every day, he had thought of Luna and did everything in his power so no one would end up in the same situation ever again.

      Abby and Lola had made it Brazil, they weren't affected by the death that much, they barely knew her. They ended up getting married not long after and adopting five children.

      And that was it for Luna Hail and Pete Davidson; a tragic modern day love story.

      And that was it for Luna Hail and Pete Davidson; a tragic modern day love story

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Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now