23 <3

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harry styles - she

** smut warning for later on in the chapter <3

          "Come on, lets take you home." Matthew leans down grabbing onto my waist as I slouch onto his shoulder. Shaking my head, I try to escape his grip but fail doing so as he trudges on with me clinging onto his side.  Once we reached the door realization hit me and I tried to get away.

     "Nooo, the party isn't over yet!" I pout causing Matthew to look over at me annoyed. He pushed opened the door and drags me outside greeting Randy the guard.

      "For you, princess it is." Continuing to drag me through the dark alley we make a turn onto the busy street. There's a shout behind us causing Matthew to walk faster but causing me to turn around. The moment I do flashes start to blind me and I hear Matthew start cussing. 

     Before I can think, Matthew wraps his arms around my waist and starts to carry me all while walking faster than ever. A smile appears on my face and I start to wave at the people who were following us. I hear Matthew telling me to stop but I ignore him and start responding to the people asking questions. 

     He finally stops walking and swings open the beige door to his car practically dropping me into the leather seat. Slamming the door shut I sit there and wave again at the people aiming cars into the window. Outside I can hear Matthew yelling at them and cussing them out as they yell out questions to the both of us. He eventually gets inside his car and starts it.

     "I know I told you publicity, but I meant good publicity. Not bad." He groans out as he whips out into traffic causing a car to honk towards us. My eyes widen as he speeds down the road angrily. "What's your address?" He looks over at me impatiently as I fumble around for my phone before pulling it out of the top of my dress between my breasts.

      Once stopped at a red light he grabs the unlocked phone from me and starts going through it before handing it back over a minute later. I furrow my eyebrows at him and lean my head against the cold window. The light turns green and he punches it speeding past all the other cars around us. 

      "You could at least slow down

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      "You could at least slow down." I mumble out while closing my eyes.

      "You really shouldn't be talking right now." He spits out towards me making me open my eyes. His focus was in what was front of us as he had a tight grip on the steering wheel causing his knuckles to turn white.

      "I didn't do shit. You're intoxicated as well you have no room to say anything towards me." I roll my eyes and cross my arms across my chest turning away from him and looking out to the buildings next to us passing by.

      We eventually enter an area that was close by to Ria's apartment. My phone buzzes in my hand but as I go to check it the screen turns black and the battery icon pops up. 

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now