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taylor swift - false god      

I awake to a ringing noise filling the empty 2 am air. Groaning, I open my eyes to a pitch black living room where the only light source was from the phone lighting up across the room. Ria rolls over on the floor and pulls their pillow over their head to try to block the shrilling noise. Getting up I sludge over to the buzzing device and grab it only to see Pete's name read across on the screen. I rub my eyes, looking down at the screen once again to make sure it was him. 

      Tip toeing into the bathroom I answer the late night phone call. "Hello?" I groggily ask, sleep still taking over my body.

      "Oh shit, did I wake you up?" Pete laughs followed by a different laugh in the background. I flick the bathroom light on and internally groan at my messy hair and tired face.

      "Yeah, whats up?" Yawning into my sleeve I sit down onto the edge of the bathtub.

      "Wanted to ask you to come hang out, you down?" Pete asks as voices chattered in the background loudly followed by a laugh. Who was he with?

      "I'm kinda at a friends right now, Pete." I run my hands through my hair and try to keep my eyes open. He mumbles something but I can't understand it clearly. All of a sudden he hangs up on me and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion staring down at the phone in my hand. It buzzes in my hand and a text from him takes over the screen.

Whats the address?

      Is he really going to come over at 2 am? I reply back to him with Ria's address and exit the bathroom I was in. Turning on the living room light Ria, groans into the pillow once again and force closes their eyes shut. Grabbing the pillow I was sleeping on I throw it at their head.

      "Pete is coming over, wake your ass up." Yawning once again I take a seat on the couch as my eyes start to zone out on their own. Ria sits up and gives me a dirty look as they look around their dirty apartment. After editing the photos, we decided to have a movie night that ended up with us falling asleep on the floor and me still in my makeup. Pulling out my phone, I open the camera causing me to gasp in horror at the smudginess of the makeup on my face. I'm most definitely going to break out this week from all of the makeup I've been sleeping in lately.

       Ria starts to clean up the left over food as Pete shoots back an okay. I throw my phone somewhere on the couch and start to help clean the mess that we had made, leaving our makeshift beds alone for afterwards. Picking up an empty bag of chips and an energy drink, I find the remote to the TV and throw it towards the only other person in the room.

       "Why is Pete coming over at such a late time?" Ria groans as they sit on the ground leaning against the bottom of the couch.

      Shrugging I throw the trash into the can that was in the kitchen. I hear the TV turn on with a low volume and peer over to see some old time movie from the 1950s playing on the screen. Noticing the dirty dishes I quickly start to rinsing and washing them, in hopes it'll help even a smidge. The water splashes back up barely missing my shirt as I crinkle my nose towards the mess. A knock breaks the noise and I shut the water off, looking over at Ria only to see that they're more focused on the TV than the door. 

      Walking down the smallest hallway to the door I open it and see Pete holding two bottles of poisonous drinks and what I assume to be Colson behind him. Giving them a smile I move out of the way and invite them into the apartment. Pete walks over to the kitchen and places the bottles onto the white granite counter thats shaped like a U. 

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now