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cigarettes after sex - john wayne

      Once I got home last night I immediately passed out on my comfy bed the minute my face hit the pillow. The night with Pete was amazing, I never imagined us doing something like that before. Flashes of those moments we spent together passed through my mind.

All the dancing people in the crowd, going upstairs only to be met with erotic dancers, leaving with Pete and ending up in a nude art gallery, more of the dancers; then finally Pete and I.

     I awake with a groan and a headache aching from deep inside my head. My eyes squint close and look towards the window with wide open curtains that welcomed in rays of sunlight that danced around the room. 

      My feet press against the carpet's dull fluff as the headache gets worse, slowly making my way to the kitchen I see the photo from last night. Grabbing some ibuprofen I drink it down with water that was left out over night on the counter. Looking at the photo a smile creeps on my face from the date, it truly was a great night. 

        My mind then flashes back to the weird side of it all as well. The red-headed girl, that staring man, and the top candidate being my missing best friend.

      Going back into my room, I dig around the dirty pile of clothes until I find the jeans from last. Digging around between the two back pockets I pull the slip out and re-read what was written on it. 

       Call or text me xoxo! Rowan (718)-999-9999

      Pulling out my phone I go onto google and search up the artist she had talked about, Myke Caver. A bunch of photos popped up of a guy standing tall with a red-haired girl standing short next to him who I assumed was Rowan. I tapped onto his Instagram and instantly found her tagged in one of his many posts. Her Instagram was filled of many photos of herself alongside with selfies of her and Myke together. 

      Hey! It's Luna from last night :)

      Going back to my other messages I see nothing new from Ria nor Pete. Weird. I decide to go for a run outside since there was actually nice weather, so I change into sweats and a well fitting tank top. Grabbing my earphones and keys I exit my apartment and lock my door. My neighbor was outside as well entering her apartment, giving her a smile and wave I descend down the creaky staircase. Once outside in the open air, I shove my earphones into my ears and go onto Spotify choosing to listen to Cigarettes After Sex.

      Since it's daylight there were a lot cars passing by on the street. The thought of the fact that everyone and everything had a very different story from each other drove me crazy. The rock I just ran by was probably from an mountain in a whole other continent but yet it ended up here on a sidewalk getting passed by a jogger. The car with the New Jersey license plate that passed by me was probably going to the store, work, drug deal, no one knows except that car and the person controlling it. The person inside that car is living a whole entire different life from me in a whole other state not that far away with a family or without one. The thought of it could keep me up all night, but at the moment I can't let it take control I have to focus on other things. 

      Coming across a deserted parking lot with a gas station in the head of it, I jog over to the small building. There was bars on the windows covering what seemed to be out dated advertisements for various items like Coke or hotdogs. 

     Pulling the door open, the bell jingles and the sixty year old looking woman with her gray hair pulled back looks up from her phone towards me and only giving me a nod. Making my way towards the snacks my eyes roam over all the sweeting addicting snacks. Reaching for the Reeses Pieces, my eyes catch the attention of a bag of Sour Patch Kids. The bell chimes again above the door, indicating another person had came in. A male voice cheers a hello to the cashier who ends up ignoring the male who's voice filled the small space. The noise of shoes clacking on the floor cause me look up from the racks of candy to see a tall figure heading back towards the drinks. Squinting my eyes I look back down ignoring the stranger.

      Deciding to just get the sour gummies after, I fall into line right behind the slim figure of a stranger. A six pack of beer sat on the counter along with a bag of cool ranch Doritos.

      "Can I also get a 20 on pump four and a pack of Marlboros?" His voice rings out causing me to look out the window to see a beige Mercedes Benz left unattended. The bag of gummies crinkled in my hand as I ruffled around in my sweat's pockets for the money I usually kept in there. The man then turned away to leave but his eyes widened when he finally noticed me. He hurriedly left out the poor gas station leaving me confused at his sudden actions. I smile at the old lady who still looked grouchy. She grumbles out the price and I hand over two dollar bills, she hands me the change and I quickly leave the building.

      Once outside I stand outside in the front for a bit to change the music on my phone to a more upbeat song that wasn't so depressing. As I'm going through my different playlists on Spotify someone clears their throat in front of me. Looking up I see the guy from inside the gas station, with a closer look at him I slowly recognize him but not fully enough to know exactly where from.

      "Sorry to disturb you, it's just you look so familiar." His hand runs through his hair and finally rests onto the back of his neck. With a confused look on my face I hurriedly shove the bag of Sour Patch Kids into my pocket and discreetly grab onto my keys just in case. His eyes go wide and he basically whisper shouts, "You were at the event last night!"

      "I'm sorry, I don't what you mean." I sheepishly start to walk away as I put the earphones in one of my ears but don't turn the music on. Parts from last night flash through my mind again and I inaudibly gasp. He was that guy from that group who was staring at me both those times. Turning back around I see he's still standing there but taking a smoke out of the recently bought pack. He was sticking one in between his lips as I spoke a couple feet away from me, "Um, what was your name?" 

      He looks up from his hands and flashes me a wide smile causing the stick to wobble a little, "Its Matthew Gray. And you are?" He shoves the pack into his back pocket and his hands in the front ones. He's kind of dorky looking.

 He's kind of dorky looking

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      "I'm Luna Hail." He nods his head and gives me one last look before walking to his car where he starts to pump gas into it. Walking quickly away from the weird situation I start to head home forgetting to even turn the music on as my mind swarms with thoughts. 

A/N: Short and sweet but also an important part <3 it's short bc SOMEONE wanted to read it I'm not gonna name names but this Truman show person.. anyways BIG stuff coming! <3

(I also got my septum pierced today and omfg I look so hot)

don't forget to vote if you're enjoying the story and leave a lil comment, I love reading them ! <3

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