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the neighbourhood - devils advocate 

      "Thank you for getting coffee with me, really, I mean it."' The white steam circled between the two of us out of the singular cup placed in front of Ria. Freezing cold air slapped against our skin as we sat outside a local coffee business at a small garden table. They were still mad at whatever had happened between us a couple nights ago.

     "I heard you got a new apartment." They bluntly say with an emotionless expression on their face, my eye droop down to the designs in the table as I take a moment to answer back.

     "I didn't really want to, I wanted to talk to you first." I start explaining, "Look, I didn't like how our last conversation ended and then me having to move out unexpectedly." I look back up at them listening closely.

    "It literally all happened at once, I'm not even paying for it? Can we just- just pretend Halloween night never happened." They give me a longingly look before slowly shaking their head. A small smile rises on their lips as they open their mouth but close it just as fast.

     Without speaking they reach over to the cup that has cooled down a bit and took a sip of it

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     Without speaking they reach over to the cup that has cooled down a bit and took a sip of it. Their face reddened a little from the warmth of the liquid.

      "Well, I'll admit that I already miss Arthur's snuggles." They gush out thinking about the little orange monster. I smile and laugh at their statement thinking about how he has to adjust to everything just like I have to. 

     "How's Dom? He must not like me that much I bet after that night." Pushing a stray piece of hair out of my face I look up to them.

     "He doesn't know you, I told him to not judge you before he got to know you. And he's really sweet, really really sweet." A smile appears on their face and I realize in this moment how happy they seemed to be with him. "He has that accent you know, so when he speaks certain words it's heard to understand, or he'll use British slang and I won't get it at all."

      For an hour they continue to gush about their new relationship as I reel in all the new information of their life. By the time we're finished the cup has been empty and my phone's been buzzing in my purse for at least ten minutes. We swiftly get up and hug each other goodbye.

      "Just so you know, tonight. I'm bringing Dom over to your new place and he'll get to properly meet you. Invite a couple people, we can have a housewarming party!" They glee with a joy before exiting out of the outside dining area.

     I get inside the Uber I ordered a couple of minutes ago and take a look at who's been blowing my phone up. On one end it was from Pete sending me photos of him at SNL in different costumes. Smiling at all of them I heart them and go to Lily who was sending me a million texts that showed all the promo shots of the latest shoot. Rolling my eyes I ignore her texts and lean my head against the chilled window.

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now