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ROLE MODEL - girl in new york

       As I walked towards the glass building, the sun had set hours ago creating a blanket of darkness to surround the lit up place. Pulling the door open, the bell above the frame chimes causing the receptionist Heather to look up from the computer and throw a smile towards me. Flashing a smile towards her I made my way towards my section of the shop, a small cubical space near the front of the shop that was covered in drawings that I've gotten to tattoo on people. 

      The other tattooist next to me Jace was currently doing a dragon on a girls back, he greeted me and quickly got back into his focused state. Setting my bag down underneath my beaten up desk, it was covered messily with paper and pencils from me never being able to clean it. The bell chimes once more and a group of three teens walks in excitedly with a parent who looked stressed out to the max.

       I smile to myself thinking back to when I used to be that way and got my nose pierced for the first time, before it fell out one night and closed. The keyboard was creating a clanking noise as it was hurriedly being pressed against, creating the noise to string out throughout the space followed by the yell of my name. Perking up, I follow the noise to Heather who gave me an apologetic look knowing what was going to come up.

      "Are you down to do a quick flash tattoo tonight?" Heather grins as the mom across from her fills out the proper paperwork and waiver. The flow of chatter from the group gets louder as they start to talk more about their friend Mariah getting this done. I quickly glance back at Heather.

      "Who would I be to turn down this moment?" Giving Heather a defeated look, "I'll go set up. Just send her over when the paperwork is done." Making my way back Jace chuckles and shakes his head. Grabbing the cleaning spray I spritz it everywhere and making sure to wipe down with a paper towel afterwards. The ripping noise from the saran wrap can be heard as I rip it to wrap it around the side table where my supplies will reside. Couple minutes later and everything is wrapped and cleaned as the teenage girl nervously sits down in the leather chair. 

       "Do you want just an cloud tattoo or something more?" I ask as I rip a piece transfer piece to  draw the simple design. The pencil once in my hand tumbles out of my hand smacking against the tile causing the mother to scoff at my sudden clumsiness. Grabbing it from the floor I give her a look and she quickly goes back to her phone. The girl shakes her head before looking towards her three friends and they start to talk rather loudly. Rolling my eyes I draw up the easy symbol and move my chair closer towards her.

      "Um, actually, could you add the name Angel inside of the design in cursive? It's my dogs name." The girl gives me a pleading face and you could hear Jace in the background quietly laughing with a small cough followed shortly after. A sigh escapes my mouth as I go back to my desk and write Angel in cursive lettering. The mom finally looks up and instructs me how her daughter wants it on the side of her wrist.

       Grabbing her arm I set it on the wrapped chair arm and she starts wiggling it in excitement. I roll my eyes and grab a clean razor to shave the area she wanted. As I'm shaving the door rings once again and I see from the side of my view Fez walk in as he goes over and starts chatting up Heather before coming over here. He gently pushes past the mom and sits in one of the empty chairs I have in the corner reserved mainly for him for when he visits. 

      With a cotton pad I clean the area with alcohol and the girl finally stops talking as I squeeze the stencil goo onto the wrist. Pressing the paper onto the gel and taking it off the girl quickly jerks her hand to show her friends who all yell in excitement. Giving an annoyed look towards Fez he shakes his head and lets out a low chuckle. 

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now