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taylor swift - red (taylor's version)

      For the past two or three weeks I've been back home, Matthew has been blowing my phone up non-stop. It was rather aggravating waking up and having missed calls and twenty messages from him.

      I can't believe you would just leave without telling anyone. 

      You have important business meetings you're missing.

      When are you coming back?

      At this point I've stopped replying to him and focused on the time spent with my family. There has been a few arguments here and there with Chelsea, but what are sisters for. I was laid up in bed under the covers to block myself from the slight chill in the air. It was currently 8 am and it was dead silent in this house except for the sound of the pre-automated coffee maker. I thought that being back here it would be easier to sleep but it was in fact worse. It was too quiet for my mind.

      Shoving the sheets off of my body, I get up shivering once my feet hit the frozen stone tile. I rummage through the closet for slippers and end up successful. Leaving the room I walk past Chelsea's pitch black room who was probably still sleeping and enter the kitchen to spot my mother making waffles in the silence.

      Furrowing my eyebrows I sit in a chair across from her and watch as she mixes the batter.

       "Where's dad?" I look around the kitchen and see no sight of him even being here moments ago. 

       "Went to work early." She shrugs not looking up to meet my eyes. Ignoring how sus it sounded I continue to watch as she poured the batter into the waffle maker. Our family was the type to never eat breakfast together so it was weird for her to be cooking this type of meal so early in the morning.

     "What about Chelsea? Is she still sleeping?" I ask in hope that there was at least one person here who could talk to me.

      She shakes her head as she tosses the spatula into the bowl finally looking up at me. "She went to her friends late last night. It's just us."

      My gaze falls from her and onto the tall pile of waffles sat next to the maker. If it was just us, why'd she make so much food? My mind then roams over to Chelsea, why did she leave last night without saying anything? The maker beeps disturbing both of our train of thoughts as she scoops the last waffle out with a fork and puts it onto the growing pile. 

      I go over to her side and start helping her with the dirty dishes as she moves the food over to the kitchen table. Not wanting to push anything, I make no comment on the abundance of food for two people. 

     The door bell rings causing both of us to raise our heads at it. She mumbles something that couldn't be heard over the running water and walks out towards the front door. I continue cleaning up the small mess knowing it was probably just a neighbor or mormons of the sort at the door.

     I shut the water off and take notice of how long my mom has been gone. Furrowing my eyebrows I dry my hands off with a towel and go into the entryway of the kitchen seeing a tall figure at the door conversing with her. Making my way over to her I take note of who it is as I get closer.

      It was Matthew.

      My heart starts to pound inside of my chest as I reach them, what is he doing here? He looks behind my mother to me and flashes me a wide smile as my mother stares up in adoration at him. A scowl forms on my face the moment she invites him in as he strides in keeping that smile on his face.

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