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frnkiero andthe cellabration - she's the prettiest girl at the party and she...

      A few days have passed since my photoshoot and they haven't contacted me yet but I wasn't stressing really since it was something I didn't want to do anyways. Ever since that day, Pete and I have hung out more as well as getting to know each other better. I honestly felt so happy whenever I was near him. The video taken that night did end up getting out from TMZ which Pete wasn't really happy about it, but it was bound to happen. 

     The first time I saw the video I was at a cafe getting a coffee before going to meet up with Pete. Ria had sent me the link, like they always did whenever something relating Pete and I happened. They were such a clowny person sometimes.

     When I had received the message, I had to wait till I was with Pete since the cafe was crowded with people. He became upset after seeing how exposed they made it and showing my face but he ended up calming down after I told him it didn't affect me that much. I still think about the way he reacted, most of his relationships were public or at least known so why would he be so mad about it this time?

     Today was the only day when I haven't hung out with him at all. I was currently in an Uber heading over to Ria's so we could go to some meeting that they have. Not sure exactly as to why I was being dragged to it, but they always did that. I never questioned it. The Uber driver was playing some rap song while muttering the lyrics to himself, I stare out the window watching the passing buildings fly by. 

     New York was truly such a beautiful state to me. Compared to Las Vegas, this place was so magical in its own little way. I see now how Taylor Swift could dedicate a whole song to this place. It holds so much secrets in its buildings that are just waiting to explode and be found by people.

      The car pulls off to the side and I thank the driver giving him a small tip from my already low wallet. He waves and pulls out to drive off. I spot Ria waiting under the shader to hide from the rain that started to drip from the sky only moments ago. My hair started to get wet so I run over to them with a smile on my face and my hand trying to cover my makeup. They greet me quickly and we walk over to their convertible that thankfully had it's cover up. At least one of us checks the weather.

     "You should really invest in getting a car." Ria gives me a joking pointed look before grinning. They know I suck at driving so I mock laugh at them. It's not that I don't have a problem driving I enjoy it, but I'm literally the worst driver known to mankind. They switch on the heater, since it was raining it also made the weather colder than what it was before. 

      They swerve off into traffic cutting off a car which resorted into the person honking at us. I grimace in the seat as Ria flips them off from the inside of the car. 

      "So.. you and Pete hmm? Seem to be quite close from what I've been seeing online." Ria smirks while staring at the traffic in front of them. I roll my eyes at them and start picking at my chipped nail polish covered nails. God, I need to get a manicure soon.

     "What about it?" I smile and look over to them, "You and Colson hmm? That was quite a surprise." Ria clenches their jaw and shakes their head at me. They give me a fake shock look before then flipping me off.

     I start to laugh at them and they reach over to block it with the music on the radio. It was set on a 70's rock channel because as they always say, "You can never get old of classics". They're not wrong but sometimes you just want to listen to modern music.

      The rain pleated on the window making a calming sound underneath the loud music. It has always entranced me, just something about a dark gloomy day that made me want to curl up in bed and stay there forever watching droplets hit the window. Pulling out my phone I go through the apps I've gone through a million times already in the past hour and seeing nothing new or spicy going on. Boring.

Exotic Flower - Pete Davidson {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now